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Humming, Rosalind folded up the letter from her cousin. She rested her hand against the swell of her stomach. It would be two more months, by the doctor's estimation, before her firstborn would make his or her appearance in the world. It seemed so soon and yet so far off at the same time.

The summer had passed without incident, though it had been noticeably colder than previous years. Autumn had begun with hardly any difference in temperature. All of the heavy rain had negatively affected the crops and famine was being reported everywhere.

Mr. Rowley had suffered a swift fall from society, as Lady Emberdown reported. He was not invited to an event

"Ah, there you are," Evans said as he entered the sitting room. He crossed the room and then bent down to kiss her cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"Eager to be back in my rose garden," Rosalind said with a smile. "Though I am sure Troughton is doing his best to keep everything in order, I long to feel the dirt under my fingers again."

"You've been overseeing, haven't you?" Evan asked, sitting next to her on the settee. He picked up her hand and kissed her fingertips. "I must say, I'm glad to not have you covered in dirt, adorable though you look in that state."

Rosalind shook her head. "I feel useless just sitting here."

"Well, you are not useless and the doctor urged you not to do too much," Evan said, his tone becoming serious. "If you fuss too much, I will send for my mother to make sure you behave yourself. See if I do not!"

"It would be lovely to see Mother sooner," Rosalind said thoughtfully. Her smile widened. "But as she will be here next week, I don't think any letter you send will get her here any faster. In fact, it very well could pass her on her way here."

Evan heaved a dramatic sigh. "I see I cannot fool you." He nodded towards the letter in her hand. "And how is your cousin?"

"Tired but immensely pleased with herself. She says her daughter is the most beautiful baby in the world."

"Why am I not surprised. She doesn't demand you come to her immediately, does she? Because if she has, I must warn you that I will not allow it." The seriousness that crept into Evan's eyes belied his light town. "I will be a strict husband on this point."

"No, she does not make any such demands," Rosalind said to him with a smile. "She simply wished for me to know that Emmaline Rose Williams had arrived. Oh, and that Cousin Percival has left Lawrence Manor."

Raising an eyebrow, Evan shook his head. "Those two bits of news do not sound as though they belong together in the same letter. Of what importance are Sir Percival's activities to us?"

"Emily is curious since he left several estate improvements unfinished when he left," Rosalind said. "She wonders what could be so important to Cousin Percival that he would leave when previously he had overseen everything closely."

She couldn't keep the smile off her face as she spoke. "I take it you have a theory," Evan said, leaning close.

"Well, I cannot help but remember how interested he was in Miss Christianna Cooper," Rosalind said slowly. She lifted her shoulders in a delicate shrug. "If he discovered where she is, I suspect he has gone to woo her. It is a guess, of course."

Evan shook his head. "It is difficult to imagine your cousin as lovestruck. No doubt in a few weeks we will hear that he went off and gambled away his inheritance."

With a thoughtful hum, Rosalind leaned back. She was certain her suspicion was correct. "Well, we'll have to see, won't we?"

Lady Evan Wins the Day, The Cousins Book Two (Rough Draft)Where stories live. Discover now