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6: Come as you are.

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What I love the most about my Master of Fine Arts at Pratt Institute is that the Painting and Drawing Curriculum offers students a broad but rigorous studio practice, which, to be honest, I can't have enough of.

Our Professors highlight our individual development and focus on an understanding of the significant concerns that make up contemporary art today. The two-year program culminates in a written thesis and solo thesis exhibition that will prepare me to join the art world as a professional.

Today's class is a surprise. From the moment I set foot in the studio, I see faces I haven't seen before. Lots of people gather around Professor Milton, and another one I am not quite familiar with.

I stand there in confusion until I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"Bro, where the hell have you been?" Ethan, one of my closest friends. He approaches me with a broad smile, his eyes asking loads of questions about my vanishing from the face of earth I can't even ask myself.

"Hey, man," I slap his broad back and get a push in return. We measure one another, his curiosity spiked by my silence. I'm tongue-tied. Not knowing how to dodge that bullet, I try changing subjects fast. "What is this gathering all about?"

"No idea, but by the looks of Professor Milton over there, it seems like a big deal." He snickers, and I remember why I enjoy being friends with him. He's so easy-going the world can't have enough of my freckled sidekick.

"Yeah." Fuck, I'm sucking at being evasive. How am I supposed to avoid being questioned if I can't think of better words than monosyllabic answers?

"So... Where have you been? You had Tyler and Simon worried too. I mean, after your text, we just assumed you were on your way to The Spot as usual." He's relentless, as every good friend would be if you had promised to be some place and never showed.

Shit, I remember now. We were to hang out at the pub after meeting with my dad. The thing is, our harmless conversation had escalated fast, resulting in a full-on inquisition about my tattooing apprenticeship with Alexei and other life choices. I had lost it; my old man had lost it. I had stormed out and texted Ethan before getting so inebriated that I ended up almost drowning. 

How the fuck do I tell him that? Easy, I don't. I lie instead.

"Oh, crap. I'm so sorry, man. I just forgot I had made dinner arrangements with Savvy, and if I didn't show up, she'd go ballistic. You know my sister." I shrug and stare at Ethan's face. He looks convinced, thank fuck.

"Yeah, how is your sister by the way? Still hot as hell?" He chuckles.

"Erm—fuck off?" I snort back. Tyler and Simon join us, and having overheard the conversation; we end up laughing like morons.

"Morning to you all, let me welcome you today by introducing Professor Shannon Green, also Chair of the Photography Department here at Pratt."

I look at the woman standing next to Milton with curiosity as he proceeds,

"We're designed to encourage a wide variety of cross-disciplinary studies. Hence, we expect that this broad-based education will arm our students to affect change in the world with the art they create during their time at Pratt and beyond."

"Shit just got real, guys," Tyler whispers, making Simon snigger a bit.

"Without further ado, I'll let Professor Green take over so she can explain the entire purpose of this joint project."

"Good morning everyone, delighted to meet you all." She introduces herself with a kind voice. "Pratt Institute's MFA in Photography was a concentration in the MFA Fine Arts, but that has evolved into a two-year, four-semester terminal degree in Photography."

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