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Bullied (Cake)

It's currently 06:02 in the morning, and it's unfortunately time to get ready for hell, or as some people call it, school. As you can probably tell, I don't actually like it all too much. Before we get on to that though, let me explain a little about myself first.

My name is Calum Hood. I am 18 years old, and currently in my last year of school, thank god. I have dark brown, I guess you could say 'fluffy', hair, some may not like it, but I think it's pretty decent. My eyes are also brown. I have one sister, her name is Mali-Koa, and she's 23 years old. My mum is a sweetheart, her name is Joy, and I love them both so much.

I have one friend, his name is Ashton Irwin, but he left school last year, as he's older than me. He used to help through school, but now he's left, I'm all alone. He has curly hair, and hazel eyes. Pretty neat colour actually, I won't lie to you, he has the girls after him. You might think I'm jealous, but I swear I'm not, I'm gay.

My mother loves the fact that I'm gay, I came out to her last year, she thought I was dating Ashton at first, but I'd never be able to do that, I mean, the guy's my best friend! Well, he's more like my brother actually, so it'd just be wrong if we ever...just no.

Now, I think we've gotten to know each other a little bit better, how about I tell you what happens at school, yeah?

There is a group of people, and there are types just like them at every single high-school. The populars. They hate me, because of one little incident that happened in year 9! Everything was fine before that, Ashton and I had our own little group of friends, but as soon as I did this, they all left, in fear of being bullied themselves. They all left except for Ashton In this little popular clique, are the main five.

1) Brad Connors: Captain of the wrestling team, 5ft11, grey eyes, blonde hair.

2) Penelope Walter: Head cheerleader, Brad's girlfriend, long, blonde hair, Blue eyes.

3) Michael Clifford: Popular for being funny, prankster, green eyes, his hair colour changes every week or so.

4) May Cults: Michael's girlfriend, deputy head cheerleader, Brown eyes, and Brown curly hair.

5) Luke Hemmings: the leader of the group, mysterious, gets what he wants; when he wants it, blonde hair (always styled up in a quiff) and blue eyes.

Not only are they the most popular people in school, but they are also my bullies, making me the least popular person in school. I'm even more hated than the kid who touched the cheese. They're all so terribly horrible to me. They throw rotten notes at me in class, trip me, tease me, knock my things over, and the physical abuse. But do you know what's one of the worst parts are? This has been happening for many years now, about 5 I believe? Yet people never help me. Nobody even anonymously gets a teacher, they just leave me, sad and broken, trying to fix myself.

You might be wondering what the incident was, yes? Well here it is:

It's a normal Tuesday lunchtime. Ash and I are walking towards the canteen, and you know what I fancy? I really fancy a glass of nice, cool, chocolate milk. We had just done our science class outside, as the teacher, Mr Pots, said that it's a nice day (I had rolled my eyes when he said this, I mean, we live in Australia for Christ sake, it's hardly going to be a bad weather day is it?), so I was feeling extremely hot at the moment, and really fancied a glass of chocolate milk. Once I had gotten my chocolate milk, Ash and I started to walk to our table, it's where our group of friends sit.

"It's a chocolate milk party, it's a chocolate milk party!" Ashton was giggling away as he sung his song about chocolate milk. I laughed as well, and mistakenly close my eyes slightly as I did so.

I started to fall forward as I had tripped over a bag that was lying down beside a table, and my chocolate milk had spilt onto the person standing nearby. Penelope Walter. Oh god, she is NOT going to be happy about this. MAYDAY MAYDAY.

"You little BRAT!" She screeched. All the chatter in the hall had stopped, and everyone turned to look at the poor fool who had angered Penelope this time. Unfortunately, this poor fool, was me. "This is designer, ugh! You will pay!" She slapped me and stopped away. You could still hear her heels clicking across the marble floor a minute after she had left. The talk had started up again in the hall, but I knew it wouldn't be the last that I would hear of this. I was still getting looks, all throughout the day. Little did I know how long this petty incident would last.

So now you've heard my little sob story, and you know how it all started. I'd like to welcome you into my miserable life, enjoy.

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