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I'm not giving WARNING signs anymore.


So, as I was watching FFH, I felt that Flash didn't get as much role as he got in Homecoming.

Something happened in the movie that has been bothering me since I watched the movie.


We don't know much about him. In fact, we know nothing about him apart from the fact that he is rich.

My friends and I were talking about the movie and one of them went, "Bro, why are you obsessed with Harry?"

I really like Harry Osborne, probably because of his portrayal in Amazing Spider-Man 2. I'm not a huge fan of the movie but I really loved Harry.

But Norman, I prefer the one from Spider-Man 1.

Then my other friend went, "What if Flash is Harry Osborne?"

This made me connect things and I'm presenting the following theory.

Not many people noticed this, but Flash was constantly worried about his parents throughout the movie. (Probably because I would do the same thing) It was kind of obvious to me but no one in the theater thought of it as a big deal. They cared more about Peter, and I get that.

But I'm that one person who looks for Easter eggs here and there and cares about the minor characters more than the protagonist.

Like, in Homecoming, I cared more about MJ and Ned more than Peter. Even in this movie, I was super excited to see both of them more than seeing Peter.

So, anyway, when Flash got off the bus at one point in the movie, he calls his parents and says, "You didn't pick up. I got worried."

I thought that that was a little weird. I hoped nothing bad had happened.
Because Marvel doesn't do anything without a huge reason behind it.

Plus, at the end, he says, "Mom didn't make it, did she?" Or something like that.

I felt so bad for him. I broke down into tears. I just wanted to give him a hug right then and there.

I get that he is mean and a bully. But he is still a person.
In the words of Nelson Mandela, "The oppressor is a prisoner of hatred. He is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow mindedness. He is robbed of his humanity."

Flash is a human being too!

My brother told me that I was overthinking this and told me to chill.

But I can't!

I really want to know what happened to Flash's mother. I hope she's all right.

So my theory is
A) Flash is Harry Osborne.
B) One of his parents is Doc Oc.
C) Flash might be the villain for the next movie
D) I'm just overthinking this, but I KNOW I'M NOT!

I kind of have a feeling that one of his parents might have died, MIGHT, because of Spiderman and Flash is going to turn into a villain. (Like Amazing Spider-man 2)

I really hope he doesn't become a villain because I love him so much!


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