| renovations |

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So, before anything I'd like to apologize. I want everyone to know that I take a great deal of pride in my work. I like to put the best work I can when I can, in both my art and my writing. I'm enrolled in school and I work and yes sometimes I just forget about writing all together but it really is something I care about. For the next two weeks, this work will be under renovations. I'm actually not sure how much or how little the story will be changed. In some senses I feel like certain characters are ignored, and others presented incorrectly. I want to avoid confusion, or overwhelming readers. 

In its essence, this story will follow the plot it already has laid out now, with adjustments made here and there. Some parts may be extended while others may be shortened or cut out. After the two weeks, I will publish every chapter that existed before the renovations started and add several new chapters to continue the delayed publishing schedule.

And so, as I said before, I intend to renovate this work because its what I see as best. Hopefully you will stay and see what you're really missing out on. Perhaps you'll run for the hills and never read another page. Perhaps you think that its just the eternal cycle of the life of a starter Wattpad writer. Or perhaps, its all worth you wait.

Either way, thank you.

chapters will be temporary removed after midnight tomorrow

feedback is always encouraged and appreciated so if you feel like I should look back at something that wasn't really explained or perhaps something that was just weird, let me know. 

07 / 08 / 19

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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