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"Obviously, nothing's gonna come out of it. I mean, I may never see him again." Hope ranted on.  The Mikaelsons were with Emma, Hannah didn't want to be there but Hope dragged her along. "And nobody wants a phone thing. Though I do like the sound of his voice. It's low and smart-sounding and kind of soothing." Hannah sighed for the thousandth time.

"And his eyes his eyes are, like, this green-gray color that's not really a color, you know? Like, they're green when he wears green, and then Oh, my God." Hope went on, "Yeah, green." Hannah told Emma sarcastically, who just nodded obviously trying not to laugh at the younger girls annoyed expression. "Who am I right now?"

"A normal teenager?" Emma replied.

"Though I do love hearing you talk about something as simple as having a crush on a boy." Emma said looking at her phone, "You do not need a counselor, Hope. You need a friend." Hope glanced at Hannah, who smiled at her sarcastically.

"Well, that went well." Hannah laughed as Emma left the two. "And as much as I love hanging out with you," she said sarcastically, "I gotta help with the party planning."

"Woot, woot! Happy birthday, witches." Penelope greeted the twins with cupcakes in her hands.

"Oh, look. It's Satan in a crop top. Come to burn my world down?" Lizzie asked sarcastically, more so to Penelope.

"Retro. Princess Di before she got style. I dig it." Penelope answered her, staring at her hair clip.

"What do you want?" Josie ask. "Oh, just to cheer you two up. You know, 'cause your mom's not coming."

"Pen, ease up on them would you, its their birthday." Hannah pleaded from Josie's bed, which is where she sat. "What?" They asked in sync, which made Hannah groan. "Oh, I heard them cancel her pickup at the office. I thought you knew. Oops." And out of anger Lizzie slammed the door in Penelope's face.

"Way to go, Satan." Hannah mumbled under her breath, Hannah knew Penelope had a plan for the day, a plan that obviously involved upsetting Lizzie but she didn't know what is was until that moment.

"Did you know?" Lizzie angrily asked the tribrid. "Just because Satan and I are friends doesn't mean, I know what's going on in her mind, Lizzie." She admitted truthfully. Lizzie huffed in anger and tugged Josie out the room with her. 

"Great. Just great." She sighed.

"You're lucky I respect women and that I shun all forms of toxic masculinity, or else you and I would be throwing down right now. Even if you can kick my ass." MG said walking over to the two witches.

"Dude, I am here to help." Penelope assured him. The two had this agreement that Penelope would help MG out with Lizzie. "By telling Lizzie and Josie that their mom isn't coming?"

"Oh, that was just for Lizzie, who is taking Rafael as her date instead of you." She said. "So why are you doing all this to try and make her party perfect?"

"'Cause a man's got to shoot his shot." Hannah groaned.

"Seriously? Its Lizzie we're talking about here." Hannah asked him. "Oh, my God. No. I can't take it anymore." Penelope informed him. "As your friends, we demand that you retrieve your little MGs from Lizzie's grip."

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