In the New World

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"Aa...." - I don't know how long has passed but I'm sure I'm dead.
The pain was real as well as his betrayal and as well as his broken heart.  Sighing, Luthe gave up on life and looked around. All he saw was "White". But if you look very properly, Luthe could see a pinkish white shiny object which was in the shape of a crystal ball comes near Luthe and says-
"Hello Host. I am System 23091713. I am also known as the 'destroyer of white lotus bitch FL system'. As my system name suggests, my work is to guide the host to different worlds to protect the mls from white lotus FL. You can pair the ml with anyone else including yourself that is if you want."
Luthe replies- "So in other words I am dead. I have a system now. I will go world hopping. Find love and beat the shit out of those green teas and show them which is the real milk tea? "
System replies- "In terms the host has spoken, yes. So then host, are you willing to sign a host and system contract with me?"
Luthe confirms- "of course,  I have nothing better to do. Might as well kick some ass."
System says- "Contract confirmed. Host please give me a name and it is done."
Luthe then thinks and says- "How about....tesoro? It means 'Treasure' in Spanish."
System replies in a sobbing tone "Thank you for the name host."
" your welcome."
Tesoro then explains "Host, for the first mission only will get to choose a world. As a welcome gift, the creator has given host a welcome gift pack. Would host like to open it?"
Luthe happily says yes.
Tesoro to it I call you says- "Creator has gifted host:
• A beauty forever pill.
•Life potion X5 (can save life even in very critical situations.)
•No pain pill X5 (reduces pain by 68%)
• Martial Arts God level (martial arts which is on our with god's.)
•Cooking skill and House chore skill (god level)
•poison arts (master level)
•Music arts god level (guqin)
•Alchemy skills (master level)
"Tesoro, isn't this pack too OP for a welcome gift? "
"Well.... It seems the creator has taken a favourable impression of you."
Tesoro then proceeds "Host, each world has a main mission and side mission. The main and side missions must be completed in order to complete the world. At time hidden quests show up, you can either accept or deny it.
Also host can select 2 skills to learn before proceeding to the world. Would host like to proceed with the choosing of the world? "
"Yes... Let's start. "
"Understood. Opening option box.
•Ancient China.
•Vampire World
"I'll go with the Ancient China option. I don't wanna deal with supernatural creatures just yet."
"Understood host. Also, after host completes missions you'll get System points or SP. With it u can buy anything you want from the System shop or SS. May we proceed with the skill option host?"  "yep"
Tesoro shows a screen where the skills were given:
• Musical Instrument intermediate level (guzheng)
•Painting Skill (Master level)
•Political God (war strategies and all that) <god level>
• Dance Skills <master level>
•Assassin skills <intermediate level>
"Hm..... All options are good but I'll go with political god and painting skills. "
Tesoro confirms and says- "Host will be entering the Sleep State and learn the skills. Take care host."
"Oh OK. So ill be sleeping? Good night tesoro..."
" good night host. Starting sleep state in 5...3...2..0..... Start! "

Luthe stretches and says "are u there tesoro?"
"Host you are back. Tesoro missed you. Is host ready for the New World?"
"yep I am"
"Initializing world transfer.......success!"
Luthe's body drops into a hole and he blacks out.
<After some time in the ancient China world>
"aah..."- Luthe wakes up with a headache.
"host do u want the memories of hosts new body?"
"Ya.... Send it to me tesoro."
"host please beware... Youll be having a bit of headache."
"aah..." Memories that were not Luthe's entered his mind.
His now name was Qi Qinhao.
He is the youngest son of the left minister. His family dotes on him like crazy....
He's currently 8 years old.
"Tesoro give me the plot of this world."
"yes host."

          Plot of world #1.                     
The male lead is the crown prince of the Qin, Qin Longwei. He is the 3rd prince out of his 3 brother implying that he is the youngest.
His brothers don't give a shit about the throne as they are less talented than their youngest brother so they voluntarily gave up their rights to inherit the mighty throne of the emperor. This world has 4 continents- Lai, Kong,Hiya and Qin.
Qin is the largest and the strongest followed by Kong, Lai and Hiya.
The ml falls for the FL Lin Laolu when they meet at the palace banquet at the age of 15. He was at first only interested in her but as they say interest can easily turn into love and so it did. As time went by the fl became the empress. What Longwei didn't know was that she had framed every meeting with him. She knew he was interested in her so in order to obtain her lust for power and wealth she does this frivolous act.
In the end the ml was poisoned by the fl without his knowledge and everyone thought that the ml died a natural death. For the greed of power the fl made her son the emperor so that she could control him in other words a human puppet and later brough Qin to disaster.
"cliche! " "yes host is right"
" This Qi Qinhao is just a cannon fodder. But it's convenient.... Anyway where is the ml now, tesoro? "
"He's disguised himself and is having tea in the white moss tavern. Also host before I forget, this is a cultivation based world so be careful of enemies. "
"ok" Saying this qinhao goes to his parents asks for money and goes out to the WMT (white moss tavern).
     I'll change Luthe into Qinhao now. (๑و•̀ω•́)و

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