Usagi's second child

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Chibiusa sat in her room trying to sleep but she couldin't all of her moms freinds were there sleeping over incase her mother has her sister at anytime of night. Chibiusa is only 4 years old and is in kindergarden she tells everyone at school that her parints have the best jobs anyone could have. Just thinking about that made her smile and she fell asleep. Not an hour you hear Usagi screming in pain which made everyone exept Helios to wake up. "Mina whats happing?" Chibiusa asked Minako she looked at the 4 year old little girl and replied. "Your mother is about to have your baby sister so I need to go help her you stay here." Chibiusa nodded and Minako left but Chibiusa watched from her bedroom door as she saw all 4 girls including her father trying to get her mother out the door.

Wen they got her mother out the door her father saw her watching and came to see her. "Don't worrie princess, your mother is going to be fine i'll call the girls wen she is alowed to have visitors ok?" Chibiusa nodded. "Ok daddy." she hugged him and he hugged her back. Mamoru looked at his princess who smiled at him before he went out the door to take Usagi to the hospitle. Wen the car pulled out of the driveway Minako went back to were Chibiusa was standing and she put her back to bed. "Come Chibiusa lets get you back to bed." She nodded and went back to her bed and Minako tucked her into bed.

At 10:00 AM all the girls were up including Helios but Chibiusa was still sleeping. Makoto was in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone wile the others were waiting for the call from Mamoru. Wen she finished she called everyone to come eat. "Everyone! It's time to eat." Said Makoto Rei looked at her son and said. "Helios, can you go wake up Chibiusa?" She asked Helios nodded and went to Chibiusa's room. Wen he got there he saw her still sleeping but he slowly walked in and whispered. "Chibiusa, It's time to get up....Mako made us breakfast." Wen she heard his voice she looked at him and she smiled. "Ok I'm coming." she got out of  bed and fallowed Helios downstairs to eat with the girls. "So...Wen do you think will be able to see Mommy?" All the girls looked at each other and shrugged and they ate in silence until the phone rang. "I'll get it." Chibiusa said happily as she ran to the phone to see her dads number on the screen. "Hello?" She answered. "Hey princess, I told you I call." She remembered what her father said before he left. "Yeah I didn't dote you daddy."  he chuckled and said. "Can you tell the girls that they can come see your mother." Chibiusa nodded and she hung up with her father.

"Girls my daddy said that we can go see mommy now." All the girls nodded and went to get dressed to go see Usagi and the new baby. "Chibiusa go get ready." Said Minako, Chibiusa nodded and went to get ready.  Wen everyone was ready they went to the hospital.

Wen they got there they went to the front desk. "Can I help you girls?" they nodded and Minako said. "Yes we are here to see Usagi Chiba she came in last night." The lady looked at her computer and nodded "Yes she is in room 657 which is located  on the 6th floor on your left." She said Rei nodded and replied. "Thanks for your help." She nodded and the girls went to Usagi's Hospital room.  On there way up they ran into Mamoru. "She's sleeping right now but you can still see her...fallow me to her room." They nodded and fallowed Mamoru to were Usagi was, wen they got there Mamoru knocked on the door. "Usa, the girls are here cam we come in?" Mamoru asked Usagi cleared her thought and answered. "Yes you can." Mamoru opened the door and the girls saw Usagi and the new baby. Chibiusa ran over to her mother and baby sister. "Hi mommy!" Chibiusa said happily Usagi smiled at seeing her daughter so happy. "Hey princess!, hey you want to meet Kousagi? I know she's also named after me but I was the garden of love and justice...I was famous but if I want them to be like me they have to have a somewhat similar  name to mine." Wen the girls heard the reason that she named her kids what she did mina spoke up.

"Can I holed her Usagi?" Minako asked Usagi nodded and handed Kousagi to Minako and then, Mina handed Kousagi to Makoto then, she handed Kousagi to Rei then, Rei handed her to Ami who handed Kousagi back to Usagi. "Chibiusa? would you like to hold your sister?" Usagi asked Chibiusa nodded and sat next to her mother and her father put a nursing pillow on her lap and Usagi gently put Kousagi in her big sisters lap. Mamoru told Chibiusa how to hold a baby properly.

"So Usagi who was the doctor you saw?" Asked Ami Usagi giggled and answered "Your mother Ami....she took care of me." Ami had a big smile on her face but not as big as Chibiusa's she was so happy that Usagi picked her up and placed Chibiusa in her lap and she held Kousagi with Mamoru standing next to them and Minako took a picture of them.

1 hour Usagi was able to go home with her child and she was ready to raise both of her daughters with the man she loves.

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