Chibiusa's boyfriend

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Chibiusa is a 14 year old mildle schooler and she is in the 8th grade she lives with her mother, father and her little sister. Her mother works for Angle Wings and her father works for Tokyo Develament. "Chibiusa, it's time to get up and ready for school." Usagi said to her 14 year old daughter. "Ok Mom I'm up." Chibiusa said as she got out of bed she saw her mother smiling at her. "That's a good girl now get ready for school." Usagi replied as she walked out of Chibiusa's room and walking into Kousagi's room.

5 Minutes later Chibiusa and Kousagi were at the table eating wen Chibiusa's phone went off. "Chibiusa, what did I say about phones at the table?" Usagi said looking at Chibiusa with her eyebrows narrowed as Mamoru walked into the room. "What's going on here?" He asked Kousagi shrugged her shoulders and Usagi answered his question. "Chibiusa had her phone out at the table and she was texting someone other than the girls or Momo." Mamoru looked at Chibiusa and asked. "Who was that you were talking to?" Chibiusa didn't answer but Kousagi came and told him who it was. "Daddy I know who it was!" Wen Chibiusa heard that she turned to her sister and told her not to tell. "Don't tell him sis...please don't." Kousagi turned to her big sister and said. "He deserves to know who your always talking to." Chibiusa turned back to her breakfast and pouted. "So who is she talking to Ko?" Asked Usagi as she picks her up. "Ok she's talking to this boy....his name is Helios.....she talks to him weirdly it's like they might be dating but I don't know." Wen she finished Mamoru had a weird look on his face as his oldest daughter walked out of the house. "Oh no I have to get to work. bye Mamo, bye Ko." Usagi said as she ran out the door.

"I will have a talk with your sister now lets get you to school." Mamoru said and Kousagi nodded and they left on there way to Kousagi's school they saw Chibiusa talking to someone in front of her school and Kousagi took a picture with her dads phone and showed it to him.

" Mamoru said and Kousagi nodded and they left on there way to Kousagi's school they saw Chibiusa talking to someone in front of her school and Kousagi took a picture with her dads phone and showed it to him

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"Who is this?" asked Mamoru and Kousagi answered. "That's Helios and she introduced him to me as her boyfriend....and I knew that you were going to find out sooner or later so I thought I'd tell you now." Wen she finished they reached Kousagi's school. "I'll see you after school Ko...don't forget mommy will be home late so I'll come get you." Kousagi nodded and went into school, Mamoru smiled and walked to work.

*With Chibiusa*
Chibiusa was walking with Helios. "So your sister told your father that were dating?" Asked Helios Chibiusa nodded. "Sometimes I 'hate' my sister she's such a tattle tail sometimes but I do love her...she is the best sister I have since she's my my dad is going to talk to me about dating." Replied Chibiusa with a sigh Helios looked at her and told her. "Wow Usa your parits are so over protective." Chibiusa sighed and said. "I never told you but my dad calls my mom usa." Heios smilede and they hedded to lunch.

*On Usagi's lunch brake*
"I'm going to have lunch with my daughter I'll be back" Usagi said as she walked out of the office building and heeded towards Kousagi's school. Wen she got there she went to the main office. "Hi, were do i sign in?" She asked the lady at the desk she pointed to a long line of parents trying to sign in so she said. "Can I sign in here?" asked Usagi the lady nodded and said. "Who are you here to see and what are you to them." Said the lady and Usagi replied. "I'm here to see Kousagi Chiba, and I'm Usagi Chiba her mother." The lady looked at her computer and nodded, she handed Usagi a visitors pass and she went to the cafeteria to see Kousagi. Once inside the cafeteria and sat at a back table waiting for her daughter, wen Kousagi saw her mother waiting for her she ran right over to her. "Mommy! Your here!" Usagi smiled at her daughters excitement as she hugged her. "I thought that I wont see you it'll later that I'd see you now." Wen they brock apart Usagi took out a bag she got Kousagi lunch from Makoto's bakery which made every kid become jealous of Kousagi's mother.

"Thanks mommy! Your the best." Kousagi said as she hugged Usagi who hugged her back. "Anytime Princess." and all Lunch long they talked until it was time for Usagi to go. "I have to go back to work princess." Usagi said Kousagi nodded and she went back to class as Usagi left.

*After school with Chibiusa*
"I'll see you tomorrow Usa." Said Helios, Chibiusa nodded and walked home. Once she got there she ran inside and hid in her room but wen she heard her dad walk in he came striate into her room. "Let me tell you something I was dating your mother wen she was in middle school and I was in high school but she told her dad who she was dating.....why did you tell your sister and not me and your mother? Your not in trouble I just want to know." Wen she heard him say that she looked at him and answered. "I thought you'd be mad at me." She replied he smiled and told her. "You know if you let me meet him then I'll think about having you two dating." Thins made Chibiusa smiled and hugged him.

3 weeks latter Chibiusa let Helios meet her father and he let them date.

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