Part 5

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This story is gonna get more and more violent, viewers discretion advised

I woke up, I rubbed my head, what a crazy dream.. I look around and realise I'm not in my room... the room was very dark and blue, it wasn't a dream, what did that idiot do?! I slowly get up, I wasn't in my original clothes now, I hoped Mabel changed me... I had a laced dark  blue dress on that sparkled with sequins and it had a flame pattern at the bottom, this a lighter blue colour, they really liked blue...
"Look who's awake~" I hear a voice mutter from the corner of the room as a dim light that got turned on, Mabel sat on a chair
"Y-you're Mabel, right...? M-Mason's twin..." I ask, already knowing the answer
"Why yes I am, you'd be Y/N then~" she cooes, I nod and look away
"Why am I here...? Where is here?" I ask her, she got up and sighed
"The Gleeful manor.. Seems my brother got very much attached to you and Ford thinks there's more to you then meets the eye" she sat on the edge of the queen sized bed "look... I'm so sorry that this has happened to you..." she sighed, she seems friendlier then Mason and what she displayed on the stage, through the acting obviously
"Hey, if your sorry... help me get out of here" I asked
"I..." She stuttered quietly
"She won't help you, you are staying here" a voice echoed from the doorway, it was some old man, I saw him during the show, I think his name is Stanford?
"Of course I won't great uncle Ford" Mabel chimed, hurrying out of the room
"Now, lets have a little chat, ok Y/N?" He said, his voice cunning
"Don't have a choice to be honest do I?" I snap back
"Heh, feisty. I see why Dipper likes you" he chuckles "but you are right, my name is Ford. Now, tell me about yourself" he asks, I look at him
"Why? Why should I answer you?!" I growl back
"My, my, how defensive! Is it due to the fact you have been let down by your families?" He jeered, my eyes widen, how'd he know about that?!
"Yes, I know about your foster situation Y/N~" he chuckles
"How?! And how did Mason know I was at the shack? Are you stalking me?!" I growl, he shakes his head
"In a way... yes" he chuckles "now, I've met with your foster mother and she is perfectly happy for you to come live here, it's funny what money can get you"
"No way, she wouldn't..." I try to convince myself, but most likely it was true
"Oh but she would for her obnoxious brat" he smirks
"Greeaaat... but what if I don't wanna be here?! You can't force me" I growl, he smirks and clicks his fingers, blue chains are suddenly on my hands and around my neck, I growl
"But I can~" he smirks "now, care to answer a few questions? Bear in mind, saying no will have consequences~" he pulls out a knife from his jacket, I gulp
"F-fine" I mumble, he sits on a chair near the bed as I whine, the chains rattled as I try to remove them
"Good girl~ Now, who are your parents?!" He barked, I look in the other direction and sigh
"I-I have no idea... I've always been in the foster system" I answer truthfully
"I see, do you know anything about your past?" He asked, I look at him
"Uh not really... I remember waking up in the orphanage when I was 3 but nothing more..." I mumble
"Ok well, how many foster families have you been through?" He asks, I look away and rub my arm, biting my lip, I didn't like that question...
"I-I don't really want to say..." I whine, this made him glare at me in frustration, he picks the knife up carefully again, twirling it in his hands
"Aww~ Touchy subject, huh?" He cooed, annoying me, he then trailed the knife along my cheek "need I remind you what'll happen if you don't reply?"
"N-no sir, I am aware... b-but I kindly ask to skip this one" I asked, I knew it was a long shot but still worth asking
"You dare say no?" He growled, he carefully dug the knife into my cheek and trialed it down, leaving a blood red mark as he did so, he started a few inches from my nose and ended a small distance from my top lip, I feel tears begin to sting in my eyes but quickly blink them away as red droplets begin to fall onto the elegant dress, I lift a hand and feel the injury, my fingers now scarlet red from it
"Now, answer the question" he said with no sorrow as he looks at the now bloody blade and runs his finger along it, then licking the blood from his finger, I growl
"Heh, didn't hurt! And the answer is 15... 15 foster homes since I was 3" I mutter, I guess I was a problem child
"15? Wow, that must be a record" he chuckled "now, what do you know of Reverse Falls?"
"I know it's a old damn town, very small and so far, full of rude people!" I growl and smirk as I had an idea "Hey, I have a secret to tell ya, lean in closer and I'll say" he looks at me curiously but does lean in, I spit in his face, laughing as blood still poured from the stinging wound, he backed up and looked at me, no emotion on his face as he wiped it away with a finger, I noticed he had 6...
"Feisty, ain't you?" He growled
"You bet your a*s I am" I reply, smirking
"Well that'll change soon enough" he smirks and turns around "let that wound be a warning to you Y/N. I ain't afraid to hurt you" and like that, he was gone, I get up, now letting the tears flow as I slowly walk to a mirror to inspect my bloody face, I walk to the bathroom that's joined to the room and wash it off, the white sink now having scarlet water going down the plug

A Chance Encounter - A Reverse Falls Fanfic [Will x Reader x Mason] Where stories live. Discover now