Part 3

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Ford's POV
"Ok well maybe it's worth knowing this... Y/N..." I chuckle evilly, I get up "you may all be excused. WILL!" I bark, the beaten and bruised blue demon came running in his human form as usual
"Y-y-yes?" He trembles, such a worthless demon.
"Follow me to my study, I have a job for you!" I order as the twins leave, I lead Will towards my study, pulling the chain around his neck harshly
"Now William, you useless demon, I have a job and I hope you don't muck it up" I growl
"I w-w-won't master" he mumbled, looking down at the floor
"Good now, I need you to stalk this Y/N girl, find out where she lives" I declare my orders to him
"Y-y-yes sir, m-might I ask why...?" He whined, I growled and slapped him
"Never question me! But I will tell you, I need to know what Dipper meant and make sure she's no threat!" I bark as he gets up and runs away, I start to do some paperwork

I lay in bed, I watched some Netflix on my tv while drawing some anime characters, I look out my window briefly, I look again quickly, I swore I saw someone there. Maybe I imagined it though! I shake my head and yawn before returning to my drawing.
~Time Skip... don't hate me, ok?~
The next morning I woke up to my annoying spoiled brat of a adoptive sister, she shook me hard and I growl, shoving her away
"Shove off Lulu! I'm awake b*tch!" I snap angrily, I was having a wonderful dream
"Ouch! MOOOMMMYYY! Y/N HURT AND SWORE AT ME!" She fake cried as my mother storms up, such a snitch!
"How dare you hurt her Y/N?! And what language did you use?!" She demanded, I huff as Lulu eagerly chimed in
"She called me the b word!" She snitched eagerly, I wanted to punch her snobby face in!
"That language is not acceptable young lady!" My 'mother' screeched, I shrug
"Cool, yeah, whatever you alcoholic" I mutter
"Young lady! I took you in! You obey my rules!" She growled
"I didn't ask you to!" I retort as I grab a bag I'd prepared a while ago, I never planned to use it though, I quickly run out of the house, still in my pjs. I keep running for a while before stopping at a worn down shack, it was called 'Mystery hack'...? I look again, no, 'Mystery Shack' the 's' had fallen off, I yawn as the sun was barely up and prayed it was open, it was! I had to pretend to be some customer, then I'd sleep in the woods somewhere, I don't want to go home... then suddenly I heard a boys squeaky voice from behind me
"Uhhh... hello, we never usually have customers this time of day, it's like... 6:00am" he mumbled, I gasp
"Oh god! I'm so so so sorry! I... uh.." I stutter
"Chill, I'm Gideon Pines! My uncle owns this place, what's your name?" He asked, I chuckle
"It's Y/N, just Y/N" I answer, rubbing my eyes
"Ah I see, well, welcome to the Mystery Shack" he mumbled, yawning as he spoke
"You seem tired, why you up this early for anyways?" I ask
"Because I'm an early bird" he said casually "what brings you here? It isn't for the attractions for sure!" He added
"W-well lets just say I got lost...?" I lied, it was partly true I guess

A Chance Encounter - A Reverse Falls Fanfic [Will x Reader x Mason] Where stories live. Discover now