A letter.

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So Banjo defeated gruntilda again and again until she finally gave up. until then banjo and kazooie decided to sit at spiral mountain. when something fell from the sky. it was a letter with smash bros on it.

Kazooie: About time they finally add us.

Banjo: well yeah but someone is impostering us! Look!

it was a shadow of banjo and kazooie.

Kazooie: There can be only one!

so banjo and kazooie went after the duck hunt dog and revealed themself to the public, as well as donkey kong, king k rool and diddy kong. 

Banjo: wait, who are they, and who is this dog with a bird?

Kazooie: Imposters.....

Banjo: Probably not.

Duck hunt dog: Grrrrrr....

Banjo: hes also probably from smash. 

Kazooie: I don't Care! i just want to be in smash as much as you do.

Banjo: Alright fine! lets go to the weird roster place.

Banjo: oh i see more people! 

Kazooie: and they seem new as well.

Banjo: Hi Everyone!

Mario: welcome to smash banjo!

Luigi: (wait banjo is welcomed and the hero is not?)

Duck hunt: Hello darkness my old friend...i've come to talk to you again.

Mario: either way, Banjo and Kazooie. there are some newcoomers that might like to meet you! lets start with newest, and probably scariest....Ridley!

Ridley: You Hide a bird in your backpack? you sound like someone like me. (Play Metroid.)

Mario: Okie Dokie, lets go to K. rool.

King K. Rool: You took my spotlight....

mario: ......ok go meet isabelle.

After a while of meeting.

Inkling (F): woomy.

Inkling (M): Ngyes.

Banjo: so how did sakurai let these guys in without the power of speech?

Inkling (F): Disappointed Woomy. (Hey! were not like you guys!)

Inkling (M): Confused Ngyes. (uhhh, then why did they invite someone like duck hunt?)

Kazooie: lets just go home and wait for sakurai to finish adding us in Fall.

Banjo: Fine, but this going to be the moment we have been waiting for.

The end!

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