I. P R I N C E S S

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You know that feeling when your life has always been running in the direction you always planned? No drama, no major conflicts, and no problems. Just a normal and ordinary life.

For (Y/N), she was quite content and happy with how her days were running. She was in her final year of college and she got through with no worries. Her grades never failed but they never have been exemplary as well. She has friends, not too extreme but not too boring.

She's the type of girl who takes things as they are. If she gets the highest marks then that happened, but when she gets average grades, then alright but like any other people, she doesn't want to get failing grades. She chooses to do things that will not get her in the spotlight nor get her in a difficult position. In short, (Y/N)'s life is absolutely boring. It isn't necessarily a bad thing though. She prefers it that way, with no one to nag her for her life because she stays out of trouble and she stays in the shadows.

Unfortunately, those peaceful times are over. Now, (Y/N) somehow ended up living with a guy who breaks the rules in her life. Levi Ackerman, the one to break (Y/N)'s routines and her life set regulations.

(Y/N) was currently sprawled out on the sofa, just relaxing and eating her favorite crisps while watching a drama that was airing. She didn't pay any attention to the sappy romance on the television though, instead, her eyes followed the man that is her supposed personal guard, Levi Ackerman. He was said to be the best, a man who has skills in combat and stealth, it was said that he had a dark past from which he learned how to attack and protect but those things are just mere legends now, just a shadow from the past.

A silly grin found its way onto (Y/N)'s lips. She felt the urge to laugh because the might Levi Ackerman is in her flat, wearing a pink frilly apron. He even held a matching feather duster, making sure every cranny and corners were spotless. He seemed like a perfect housewife and (Y/N) found it amusing how she is seeing something no one has ever seen before, that is, House Wife Version of Levi Ackerman. When she thought nothing could top it off, Levi went ahead and pushed open the set of windows in her living room. That was the last straw for (Y/N) as she burst out in a fit of laughter.

"What are you laughing at, Brat?" He turned to glare at (Y/N) but to her, it looked even more hilarious with his hand on his waist and a sassy glare graced his silver eyes.

"Disney Princess! You look like a Disney Princess!" (Y/N) toppled over and laughed. It made things even funnier when her mind reminded her of the scene in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, wherein Snow White opened the windows and birds came flying, greeting her a wondrous morning.

Levi clicked his tongue and went back to cleaning the apartment. He acted like it didn't bother him but frankly, he was astounded as it was the very first time a person dared to insult him innocently. A Disney princess! Has she gone nuts?! How could a man, so feared, like Levi become a Disney princess? What gave her the notion that he resembled that damsel in the animated movies? He was speechless.

"Don't be mad, Levi! You seemed to enjoy cleaning that much anyway, I figured you would love a compliment..." (Y/N) smiled, following closely behind Levi. "Wifey~" she whispered to him.

(Y/N) had pure intentions but it seemed it only agitated Levi. "Go wash the dishes if you aren't doing anything!"

Everyone must be curious how (Y/N)'s quiet tell-tale come to this.

⏮️Rewind to the time (Y/N)'s parents hired Levi.

"This is Levi Ackerman, the best of the best in my team." Erwin motioned to the man beside him. "I'll leave him in your care." He said before leaving the raven-haired boy to deal with their boss and his wife.

"We'll keep it simple, Levi. We will be leaving later for a trip around the world!" Mrs (L/N) smiled, she was already wearing a tropical printed sundress and colorful flowers on her neck. "We just want you to keep an eye on our precious daughter."

Levi expected more gore and action related missions but it turned out he was gonna be baby-sitting a girl if he dared to accept -- which he didn't.
"With all due respect, ma'am, sir. I believe I am a bit overqualified to babysit your daughter." He said, not scared to speak out.

"Oh come on, boy. This is an easy job! Plus we will be paying you." Mr (L/N) said. "Honey, get ready to leave, our escort will be here in 5 minutes." He said to his wife, momentarily giving her his attention.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I don't think I'm the person for this job." Levi said, standing up to leave but was halted by Mrs (L/N) herself.

"Levi, darling. How does a million-dollar sound? Or maybe double that?" She smiled at him, a glint in her eyes that said he will do what they ask him to. "Name your price, dear."

Levi stood proud with dignity. His mind has been set and all he had to do was to give them his final decision. He walked towards the couple and with a look of determination, bowed a 90-degree angle. "You're daughter is in good hands. Please enjoy your trip."

With that, Mr (L/N) shoved a key towards Levi and then the couple sashayed away leaving Levi in the office.

He looked at the thing his boss shoved him. It was a key and then a small folded paper with a written address on it. He wasted no time in driving over to the given address.

"I guess I have no choice..." Levi said. He took a deep breath and mentally prepared himself for whatever was about to come.

He rang the doorbell and the moment that door opened, he entered a world that could change his.

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