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The night went on with everyone partying, enjoying their time together. There were cans of beer for the adults and bottles of soda for the younger ones. Reiner, Ymir, Connie, Jean and Eren somehow managed to get themselves some alcoholic beverage and were playing a game of never have I ever. Currently, Eren and Jean were on the losing end.

They lit up a bonfire on the beach and they sat around it in a circle. Gunther brought a guitar he found in the Arlert's home and started playing some tunes and creating the mood.

It was simply a wonderful night for all of them.

(Y/N) and the others were roasting marshmallows over the fire and were happily singing along some songs that Gunther was playing. Beside the (H/C) haired girl sat the ravenette. He sat back, just enjoying the warmth produced by the bonfire. This was such a weird scenario for him because he never really had a chance in his life to sit by. Bonfire and enjoy his time doing nothing.

It wasn't long when the bonfire's flame dimmed and the wood that previously sustained the fire crumbled into ashes. They started heading back to the beach house and although it was crowded, they managed to find ways to sleep. Naturally the girls stayed together and the boys stayed together.
Armin let (Y/N), Mikasa and Sasha use his parents room while the other boys mainly, Reiner, Bertholdt, Gunther, Eld and Levi made the living room their temporary makeshift sleeping space.

When everything settled down and everyone were asleep, (Y/N) stood up, grabbed her jacket and went out. She wasn't able to sleep and decided to get some air by walking along the shores.

Today was a confusing day for her or rather, Levi confused the heck out of her. He usually acted professional with her, except for when he acts like her maid, chef and mom at times. Today, he just became somehow bold and kind of flirty. Today, Levi returned her advances ten fold. But the highlight for (Y/N) is when the ravenette sat down and held her in his arms.

(Y/N)'s mind began to clear up and her heart began to calm down when she felt the chilly breeze blow against her. Even the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore was therapeutic. Without much thought, she dropped to the ground, not caring wether the sand would stick onto her.
"Best day ever..." She whispered to herself.

Peace continued on until she felt a presence sit down right beside her. "Were you planning on sleeping here?" The cold, stern voice asked.

(Y/N) didn't have to open her eyes to know who it was. After all, this voice after all those months, she became accustomed to. "Actually, I was thinking about it, Levi." She said, pushing her torso up to sit straight.

"Don't think I forgot." The ravenette said, keeping his eyes in front o him, to the sea. "You said you were gonna tell me some secret if I won the match." He reminded.

In all honesty, (Y/N) had forgotten all about it. She had way too much fun she forgot about that.

"Oh that... I.." she stumbled for words. "I forgot what I wanted to tell you. I must be getting old?!" She chuckled, hoping that her bodyguard would just forget about the issue.

When (Y/N) turned to look at the man beside her, she almost burst in another fit of laughter. Levi's mouth was open and his brows, one curled up and another curled down. He was scrutinizing her with that look. "What? I think..." She paused to laugh. "I think this is early signs of Dementia?"

Her laughter was cut short though because with one swift movement, Levi had pinned her to the sandy ground. "You seem to like laughing at me miss (L/N)." He said. "Calling me princess, mom and treating me as a maid and laughing at me as if I'm a comedian." His eyes were dark and his face were blank.

At that, she was speechless, suddenly caught off guard.

"You were always smart and witty with me." He continues, his voice getting lower and lower. "So maybe this time you remember if you have anything to tell me." He whispered closer to her ears.

The girl, underneath him, scowled. She was frustrated now that she thought of those times she had a talk with him.

(Y/N) brought her right hand up and placed her palms against Levi's forehead and with all her might, pushed him back, bringing both of them to a sitting position. Now they were fit to talk, right in front of each other.

"It's not like it's a secret and it's not like I haven't told you before." She grumbled. "I've been very obvious and I kept on telling it to you but you always changed topics or acted dumb with me." She said, getting irritated.

"What do you mean?" Levi asked once again, his brow lifting in confusion.

"So you aren't just a princess. You're a dumbass now?" (Y/N) said.

Just earlier, she was thinking about how the weekend getaway was fun and took her mind off of things. But clearly, she was rethinking of the entire thing. "Remember? Over dinner, I told you I like you. Then I brought you to the cliff overlooking the city and told you I had feelings for you... And many many more." She continued. "So you're making me confused. You act as if you like me, acting like you care about me... But your words say the opposite."

Levi was stunned. He knew at the back of his mind that the topic was about their relationship but he didn't expect her to blow up like this. Her cheeks were red and her ears too, though barely noticeable, it was enough for him to see with the light of the moon and the light emanating from the beach house. Her brows curled downward and her eyes glimmered, reflecting the silver light of the moon and her lips in a pout.
He looked blank on the outside but he was melting deep inside.

"Do you want me like I do to you or do you not? Damn it. Make up your mind already." She spat, averting her gaze away from him. "Make up your mind so I'll know what I should do next. To hang onto you or to stop dreaming and move the hell on."

Clear (E/C) eyes glistened with tears of frustration. (Y/N)'s heart rammed against her rib cage l and her breathing ragged after her long monologue. She said what she wanted to tell him for so long all that is left os for him to make a decision. She was torn in half, a part of her wanted to hear his side now and the other one wanted to be kept in the dark because no one really wants to get rejected.

To (Y/N)'s surprise, Levi leaned closer to her, his forehead against hers. His eyes were closed and his lips were in a straight line but slowly, the ends pulled up in an honest small smile... His eyes followed, lids slowly opened revealing silver eyes which somehow glowed similarly to the moon.

"Sorry for making you wait, (Y/N)." He smiled, bringing his arms around her and pulling her towards him in an embrace.

"I do want you like how you want me."

✨✨The End✨✨

A/N ❤️

That was a short story. I hope you guys enjoyed it😊😊

I had an irregular update schedule and sometimes went as long as months without an update😢 I'm so sorry. But I am very thankful to everyone who has been patient with me.

I am well aware that my writing sucks. My grammar is wrong🥺, the characters are probably ooc 🥺and the scenarios are probably very VERY cliche🥺 but nonetheless, thank you for reading this book😭😭

This book is now finished. Thankfully. I never thought I'd finish it due to how busy I was with school. Jk its on going. But ya'll wouldn't know if you don't read this a/n. So thank you to everyone who is reading and still reading. Expect a lot of cute moments and possessive Levi from here on out.



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