Chapter 1

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How many times? Lucas lost count after the number reached four digits.

His head swayed as the blinding lights came one after another. Now he was in a dimension without magic. He growled lowly. Without magic, he could not go back to where his Athanasia was. What was more, his body seemed to have shrunk, so he currently had the appearance of a child in this humid and deafening world. People in strange clothes and colourful boxes walked past him as if he was insignificant. A loud swoosh! far above caught his attention and he crooked his eyebrow at the flying machine. Oddly enough, people didn't seem afraid of it.

The child's ruby eyes looked around twice, then he muttered with an annoyed scowl, what the fuck?

He didn't want anything to do with this world since it didn't have magic, let alone bothering to think about adapting. No, he didn't need more information. No magic meant no Athanasia. His Athanasia. To be uncharacteristically precise, he tried again to sense his magic but it soon felt as though the existence of magic was gone. Or more accurately, it never existed in the first place. Lucas started to wonder. So how was that machine soaring across the sky without magical prowess? He grumbled, definitely annoyed at this new world.

Fuck that bitch! At least send me to a world where magic existed! This place reeks of human sweats and artificial metals. I despise it!

Lucas moved his short legs to wherever it was that would cease the noisiness around him. He saw a gigantic, flashy screen that read "SEOUL." Must be the name of this noisy place. He walked towards a crossroad while glancing around. It sure was busy here. Then he saw a black-haired girl in a crowded place full of blinking screens and children bringing coins. He became instantly interested as though something pulled him. He observed the way that girl brought herself and her overall aura. Somehow it was familiar to him. Too familiar that he would be stupid not to notice. This girl... was she Athanasia?

The child decided to come in, he pushed the glass door and headed straight to the counter, where the peculiar girl was. The customers disapproved of this impolite behaviour but none bothered to scold him. He watched her attend to the customers. Her black hair and brown eyes certainly faulted the initial thought that she might be Athanasia. But could different appearance apply to multiverses? Would it be possible? Lucas decided that whether it was possible or not, he would only get his answer if he asked for it.

The girl, as though just noticing his rude presence in front of the counter, greeted him, "Good day, how could I help little brother?"

Lucas's red eyes twitched. Little brother? Did she seriously just call me that? However, he didn't want to buy any of those coins, nor could he create this world's currency with magic like he used to. He felt something turn in his stomach. It was unbecoming as the feeling kept scratching in his mind. So he said loud and clear: "Athanasia?"

His word appeared to have so shocked the girl. She gave an expression that said 'Are you berating my sad, pitiful life right now?!' but soon recovered herself and smiled sweetly at him. "Ah, you must be looking for that book. Is it yours? Please wait on that table in our café, I will bring it to you."


Whatever nonsense the girl was sputtering, he didn't understand nor cared, but since he had nothing to do, he did as told. She quickly gave him a book, saying that he left it a week ago and she had kept it in case someone asked, then returned to her station behind the counter. Lucas had been reading it since. He was so engrossed at the craps this book spewed that he didn't notice his plate was already empty.

Before, Lucas called out to the girl when she was busy picking up trashes on the floor. "Lee Jihye." She immediately came to his table, but left just as quickly when he just stared at her. He knew she was busy, but he couldn't help it. She was too intriguing and the noisiness of the children here was too annoying. After that, the girl put a burger and coke on his table. It looked full since the table was pretty small.

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