Chapter 1

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"_" Character speach

'_' Thought

*_* Me Talking

#_# Place


#Byss/Space Station#

*POV Zox*

i saw only darkness ...

a lot of memory and knowledge began to pur in my head and i then hear a voice speak to me 

"you have to break yourself from your chains ..."Began the voice before pausing

Break my chain ?

"... the force will be your greatest ally even if it either the dark side or the light side they will help you in every thing you do ...."continue the voice before it pause again

The Force ? my Ally ?

"... Remember the futur is not written,there will be time where you are in difficulty but continue to move forward it's only like this that you can achieve what you want to do,i will give the memory of the Darth called Sidious ,you have our power and knowledge use it well."finish the voice before it stop completely

 memory and knowledge on the galaxy began to appear inside my mind.I match the voice with the Dark Lord Of The Sith Darth Revan

I could now feel a lot of power coursing inside me i then began to open my eyes and i saw i was in a bacta tube so i swam at the top and use the force to open it,when i was outside i saw a lot droid Dark Trooper 2 patrolling and medical and BX commando were looking at other Bacta tube,they all turn to me before what look like a commander BX commando approach me and ask me:

"We need valid code to see who you are."

before i could respond i feel a serie of code enter my mind 'maybe it's the memory of Sidious

"Code Clone New Empire 1294U852."I said before the droid nod his head and all the other droid return to their occupation

"My lord what do you want to be called now ? I will debrief you of what happen in your absence after we give you clothe."the droid said when he said clothe i saw that i was naked so i follow him to the emperor quarter and take some clothe there was there:

"the droid said when he said clothe i saw that i was naked so i follow him to the emperor quarter and take some clothe there was there:

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 *Jacket (the blue is black and black is white)*

 *Jacket (the blue is black and black is white)*

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Star Wars Male OC Clone Of Legend [Uncontinued]Where stories live. Discover now