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The Slytherins were quite peculiar, to the rest of Hogwarts, Tom knew, and to almost everyone barring themselves and for good reason. They had specific ranks.  Unlike most houses, they did, which was a trait unique to them, but considering the traditional purebloods which frequented the house, it should not come as a surprise. Tom knew that sometimes, these things were odd to the other houses, but they were not all that difficult to pick up. 

Draco was their leader, which made a lot of sense because the Malfoys had held such a title for generations. That Draco was their leader was not only unsurprising, but had been a nonverbal unanimous decision since Draco first was sorted into Slytherin. As such, Tom Riddle, being Draco's boyfriend, and alpha, was also leader. So, the leaders of Slytherin were Draco and Tom.

Now, as for second in command, they were always the most trusted and relied on. Normally becoming something close to friends. They were powerful in magic, not physical strength. They were smart, and forever loyal, but not afraid to question something that the leader/leaders suggest, if they believe something wrong with the idea, or they believe a modification is needed. As such, they were often given important tasks and information to safeguard.

Draco's second in command had always been Blaise and Pansy. As a second in command, they would stand slightly behind the leaders when in formation. Tom could not doubt that they had been good choices. From all the Slytherins that he had seen so far, the two seemed to fit the role quite well.

Third in command were always a bit more difficult to choose. They needed to have sufficient magical prowess, and be loyal, but also be willing to adhere to the status. Meaning that they needed to defer to Blaise and Pansy as well as Draco, and now Tom. Draco's third in commands were Pike, and Nott. Their place in formation were slightly behind Blaise and Pansy. Again, good choices. Tom had to admire Draco's ability to formulate his house. He did not stay with his own year, but he ensured that all were willing to listen and go with what he wished. 

As fourth, they were more foot soldiers, information gatherers, and decent at magic. They also, however, had to be intimidating physically. The fourths were Flint, and Pucey and Montague. They were all well versed in magic, but had a demanding aura, and were not afraid of using physical force if necessary. Their ranks in formation would be standing in a straight line behind Pike and Nott. Tom himself had to admit that he was a bit wary at the beginning, with these choices, mostly with Pucey. However, his reservations had been put on hold as, in the end, they had cared for Draco deeply, and would do whatever necessary for his safety should it come down to it. 

And lastly, were the guards, typically used for only intimidation, though were good in magical power should they need to be at times. These included Crabbe, Goyle, and Bulstrode. They surrounded the group. One in the back, usually Bulstrode, two on the sides, in a protective stance. Tom and Draco always in sight, clearly seen as leaders.

Though this was the ranks, they rarely were actively seen in such ranks barring Draco as he was almost always flanked by Crabbe and Goyle.  However, Tom knew that they needed to make a rather large impression upon their peers, and as such this was how they entered the Great Hall, much to the nervousness of most of the teachers, specifically Dumbledore, who had seen this happen only once before with Tom Riddle at the head, and it was unnerving to see his son once more in the same position, and then Severus, who knew what it meant.

It was clear the Slytherins would be taking no crap from anyone, and that they were deferring to both Tom and Draco. However, this was a formation that was rarely used by Draco alone. He had used it once, maybe twice before. The shock and awe, and fear that crossed the faces of everyone in the great hall except other Slytherins and Severus Snape, was always hilarious. However it was never as complete, nor was it as serious and somber an atmosphere as today. 

They strode over to the Slytherin table as one, before sitting down at the table. Blaise and Pansy could be seen talking to Pike and Nott about what they had been ordered to do. Draco turned to Tom, expecting an explanation.

"They are going to confront Potter, and make him drown in his self righteous guilt." Tom said simply at the demand for answers. Draco smiled deviously, eyes sparking dangerously.

"How fun." Draco said, still smiling. He approved, greatly, and was eager to see the results that Tom had managed to scramble together so quickly. 

"Oh yes, I cannot wait to see how that will go." Tom admitted.

"Blaise, Pansy, Theodore, Pike." Draco spoke up, all stopped and looked at him, expectantly. "I would suggest, that you spread your confrontations out throughout the day. Preferably between classes. That way, you are not coming up onto him all at once. It also means that he is getting constantly bombarded, and will have little else to think of except his guilt. I shall have to continue to play the frightened and distressed card but...that should not be too difficult. Agreed?" He asked. This was when if Blaise and Pansy had something to contribute, they would do so.

"Should we glare at him during the classes as well?" Pansy asked. "That way he would begin to feel uncomfortable as well."

"It would also show that you have people ready to fight at your side for anything. Plus, it would make him feel even more guilty about his actions." Blaise added. Draco hummed, thinking on it.

"Good idea, spread word to the rest of the Slytherins. Not just Potter and his friends though, all the Gryffindors." Tom furrowed his brows in slight confusion. What was his precious mate thinking?

"Why all of them?" Tom questioned. Draco pulled them forwards with a movement of his hand.

"It is well known the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin. However, Gryffindors show this more clearly than Slytherins, the most we do is couple of taunts, otherwise we act indifferent. If we spread word for all the Slytherins to start glaring murder at the Gryffindors, they will become anxious and worried, because this has not happened before. In their nervousness, they will be trying to figure out what happened to make all the Slytherins become aggravated with all of them.  Now, if we localize the glares to Potter and his band of misfits exclusively, than Gryffindor will start turning on them, just a bit. Now, add in a couple of comments about what happened with me, vague, but enough to get all of the Gryffindors to start feeling sympathetic, when it is revealed what happened to me at the hands of Potter and his pathetic friends, all of Gryffindor will turn on them. Or at least, a large majority."

"That is incredibly well thought out." Tom commented.

"I know." Draco said, glowing at the praise just a little bit. Tom liked the look on Draco. It was pretty to see his bashful smile and the light dust color his cheeks. "Blaise Pansy, give the instructions. Everyone in Slytherin is well aware of my situation with my father, so just give my orders and ensure that they know to carry them out." He said waving his hand once more to dismiss them. Blaise and Pansy began carefully moving down the table, looking for all the world as if they were simply getting something that they did not have in their specific area of the table, when in reality, they were spreading their orders from the Slytherin Prince.

"This is going to be interesting, do you not agree?" Draco asked, wide blue eyes looking at Tom, simultaneously seeking praise.

"Yes, yes, it is. Well done, Draco, well done." Draco's lit up at the familiar joy of being praised. Tom smiled down at the boy and they continued eating.

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