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Billy's first day at Hawkins High had barely started, and he was already walking like he owned the place. He loved how the girls were looking at him and how intimidated he made the boys feel. Sometimes he wished he wasn't as good-looking as everyone thought he was. But he couldn't help it: it seemed that there had to be heads turned wherever he was.

So far, classes for him were a complete drag. Everyone wanted to sit next to him and he just wanted to be alone until he at least got the hang of the hellhole that is Hawkins. Girls wanted to "show him around" school and Hawkins and (not so reluctantly) got most of their numbers in return, and the boys - oh, the goddamn wannabe somebodies the town had to offer - invited him to just about every party that was organised. He said he'd think about going, but then again, how could he turn down the alcohol a lot of chicks and a damn good night out?

"Ok, la classe!" Mr Thompson announced to his twelve-student class, finally getting their attention. Everyone looked up at him, looking very bored and unamused. The lesson had started several minutes ago and yet only a student or two paid attention. "Je voudrais introduire un nouveau visage dans notre classe."

Daisy didn't bother with paying attention until she heard her teacher say, "Monsieur Hargrove, vous pouvez vous asseoir à côté de mademoiselle Henderson là bas." She looked up and to her surprise, she saw the same attractive, denim-clad boy with the nice car standing next to her French teacher. He looked very bored and like he didn't belong or want to be there.

When he didn't budge, looking at Mr Thompson like he spoke in an alien language, the teacher sighed and exasperated, "Sit next to Ms Henderson for the day, Mr Hargrove. Make sure you're all caught up with the rest of the class, yes?"

"Yeah, sure." Billy shrugged and walked past the several rows of girls who murmured and whispered amongst themselves. One of them was wondering why the teacher had to sit him next to 'that weirdo', and another bet her friends ten bucks she would be in between his sheets by the end of the night.

"Hey, man." He looked to his left, next to his empty seat and saw a classmate he recognised from Math, Tommy something. Tommy leaned close and whispered loudly, "Good luck with that one. She's as weird as they get."

Daisy didn't look at them as she started writing down what was being written on the board. She'd heard it all before, so she wasn't bothered. Billy slid in the empty seat next to her.

"You're the chick from the parking lot who was checking me out." Daisy stopped writing for a brief second, chewing the corner of her lip. "I'm Billy." She hummed in response, seeming uninterested in his introduction, trying her best not to side-glance at him. She really needed

"And what do you think this phrase means?" Mr Thompson asked the uninterested class, pointing a long ruler at a Fench phrase on the board. Daisy eagerly raised her hand, and he smiled gratefully. She was his best student that year and what kept his job from going to shit.

Daisy looked at the phrase for a split of a second and replied, "I would like to order lunch?"

Mr Thompson clapped his hands. "Oui! Grande, Daisy!"

She smiled triumphantly and wrote down the phrase alongside the English definition. I'm on a roll today! she thought happily.

"So, Daisy..." She sighed and rested her chin on her hand, suddenly bored with the annoying, attractive boy next to her. He acted much like Steve did when he was trying to hook up with Nancy, but even he wasn't that big of a douchebag. "What do you do for fun around here?"

She sighed. Fair point, he is new after all she thought, before replying, "City centre, theatre, cinema, arcade, roller skate rink--"

"I don't think you understood what I asked, darling..." He scooted closer to her and whispered, "What do you do for fun around here?"

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