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After Billy was done making out with some blonde whose name he never really got in one of the bedrooms at Tommy's place, he made his way downstairs, where the heart of the party was, and downed several drinks, feeling his mind spinning just slightly already.

"Hi, Billy." Another blonde girl purred, running her nails over his chest, where half his shirt was unbuttoned. Bill looked at her hand and then at her pampered face. Granted she was hot and he really wanted to get his mind off of that morning, but his heart wasn't in it. "I just saw an empty room upstairs that was screaming both our names." She bit her lower lip, batting her eyelashes seductively.

"Maybe another time..." he murmured, finishing his last drink before handing her the empty bottle.

Billy was done with the party, the girls, the booze, everything. He passed by the couch, where Tommy was sitting with his arm draped lazily around Carol's neck as he recounted some story to his friends.

"One sec, guys." Tommy excused himself and stood up, going after Billy. "Dude, you're already leaving?"

"Yeah." he simply replied, fixing his leather jacket and taking out his packet of cigarettes.

"We were gonna put another round of shots." When Billy didn't give in to that tempting offer, Tommy put his arm on his shoulder. "Come on, buddy. Stay a while longer."

Billy huffed, shrugging off Tommy' from his shoulder. "Don't touch me." With a glare, he added, "And do not fucking call me buddy." And with that, he walked out of the house and to his car. On his way out, he was stopped a couple of times by a few girls trying to get in his pants, and it surprised him that he didn't want any one fo them. Not one girl.

As soon as Bill pulled out of the driveway, he immediately realised he shouldn't be driving. He wasn't as drunk as he usually was, but e wasn't sober either. He put in a cassette and hummed along to the song that came up while drumming his fingers to the beat, occasionally taking a drag from his cigarette. When he threw the finished bud out his window, he patted all his pockets to search for a pack.

"Fucking great." he mumbled, realising he went through his last packet. Removing his eyes from the road for a quick second, he searched through the passenger side for a pack but didn't find one, so he sat back up when suddenly he saw someone in the middle of the road. He screamed and frantically pressed onto the breaks, stopping just in time. With fright, the person he was going to run over threw themselves to the side, hitting the pavement hard.

Despite the headlights, he couldn't tell who it was. "Watch out where you're fucking going next time!" Billy yelled with his head out of the window, and froze when he recognised the girl on the pavement as one of his classmates.

Specifically, the classmate.

She looked up at him. "Me?!" She struggled to get up because of her rollerblades, slipping a few times in the process. "You watch where you're fucking going!" She yelled back, pointing at him. 

Billy was about to pop his head back in the car and drive off when he notices her knees were bleeding pretty badly and had a scar to the side of her forehead where she knocked the ground.

"L-let me at least drive you home." he offered, suddenly worried about her wellbeing.

"I can walk on my own just fine, Hargrove." she replied, the answer making Billy smirk just a bit.

"What, and let an innocent pretty girl like yourself roam the streets of Hawkins at night on her own? Fat chance of that happening." He reached over the passenger side and opened the door. "Come on, princess."

"Don't fucking call me princess." The girl entered the car, immediately removing her rollerblades and winced. "Fuck! It stings!" She hissed to herself, inspecting her knees.

"Here..." Billy reached over the backseat and tossed her a T-shirt. "Use it to stop the bleeding."

"Um, thanks..." she murmured, smiling weakly and he slowly continued driving. "What're you even doing here? Thought Tommy was having a party."

"He was-- I mean, is... but I left." Billy explained. She looked at him wide-eyed. "I'm allowed to get bored at a party too, you know."

"Do you even know my name, Billy?" she asked, exasperated. He did: Daisy Henderson. But he didn't want her to know that he knew. He had humiliated her just several hours before. "Or, better yet, do you recognise me?"


"... Well? Yes to what?"

"To both, Daisy Henderson." Billy looked over at her smirking and Daisy rolled her eyes. "See? I'm not the monster you think I am."

"I mean, you did almost run me over with your car, so who's to know?" Daisy gave him a whatcha gonna do shrug and smile. "Oh, turn left on here."

As he did so, he asked, "So what were you doing rollerbladin' in the middle of the night?"

"Trying not to get run over by your sorry ass." she joked, laughing slightly. "I, uh... I was clearing my head. From, you know, this morning."

"Look." Billy sighed. "About that, I'm--"

"Don't bother, Hargrove." She interrupted his apology, holding up a dismissive hand. "I know you did that to keep your bad-boy reputation."

"Well, I'm still sorry." There, it's out in the world now. he thought, hearing his father's voice belittling him for acting like a pussy and apologising. "I didn't mean for it to escalate."

"Sure, yeah, okay." Daisy replied, but Billy could tell she wasn't convinced by her answer and his apology. She leaned forward, pressing the T-shirt he gave her against her knees once more. "There. The house with the yellow car out front."

Billy steered the car towards the house, stopping right in front of it. Daisy was about to hand him the bloody t-shirt when he smiled softly. "It's okay."

"But it's yours." she saidd softly, looking down at it. "A-at least let me wash it and give it back to you tomorrow at school."

"Okay, sure."

She got out of the car, closing the door behind her softly. "Uh, Billy?" She leaned down against the rolled-down window, smiling. "Thanks for the ride."

"No sweat, kid." he smirked, and she stood upright, walking to her house.

"Hey, Henderson." Daisy turned to face him. Billy leaned towards the passenger side window, finger up and warned her, "Talk about tonight with anyone, and I'll--"

"What? Run me over with your car?" Daisy finished the question for him, looking at him with a smug smile. "I'd like to see you try again, Hargrove." She shrugged her backpack off, dragging it along her. Billy rolled up the window, looking out of the dimly lit car.

He saw Mrs Henderson open the front door, gasping when she saw the state of her daughter. She cupped her face, checking for any more injuries and Billy could hear Daisy insisting she was fine before her mother put a protective arm around her neck and entered the house, closing the door behind them.

This scene caused Billy to clench his jaw and grip the steering wheel tightly. He wished his stepmom was like that. She tried, the poor woman, but she could never compare to how loving his mother was.

After waiting for a minute, Billy started his car and sped off. The night started out good, but he was soon bored at the party. He felt like something was missing, but that feeling faded when he was talking to Daisy.

It scared him thinking about what that missing piece might have been.


It's been a while, I know. But I ran out of ideas and decided to rewatch ALL of Stranger Things so I could get into it all over again and it worked! Expect a new chapter very, very soon!

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