Mary and Darci

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Sorry for not updating for so long. I kinda forgot about it... anyways hope you enjoy and thank you all for voting and commenting on my book, it means a lot.

Once again Claire was at the stores. People never noticed her. Maybe because she wore a hoodie to hide her face. She felt bad for Jim. She really did. All he wanted to do was be human again and going into the human world was how he was able to do so. She pushed the thoughts aside just for now.
Claire finished purchasing her cloths and walked out only to be greeted yet again with a stranger.
"Hey, Claire." He spoke.
"I-I'm sorry do I know you?"
"I think so." He said sarcastically. "Your troll boyfriend."
"Oh Jim!" She smiled and hugged him. "I thought you went to sleep."
"Well I was asleep, then my mom called. I couldn't go back to sleep. So I just wanted to hang out with you."
"Alright, well, whatever you say." Claire smiled at him.
"So what's around here to see?" Jim asked as the couple began to walk.
"Hmm I think there is a path somewhere near here. We can go see one of a geysers (did I spell that right?)
"I don't see why not." Jim replied.


Once the couple was done shopping and sight seeing they headed home.
"I should call my Mary and Darci. You know they would flip if I didn't." Claire said once they got deep enough into the forest.
"Of corse, go ahead. I don't see what's stopping you." Jim replied. She smiled.
Claire pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contacts until she found her Mary's contact. She FaceTimes her. She thought it was going to take a while for her to answer, but the phone just started to ring when she picked up.
"Claire!" I high pitch yell came.
"Hi Mary! Is Darci with you?"
"Heck ya I am." Darci said coming into view of the camera.
"Soo what's new?" Mary asked.
"Nothing except for walking. Lots and lots of walking."
Jim was leaned against a tree fumbling with his thigh blades as he listened to their conversations.
"Is Jim with you?" Darci asked.
"Yeah he is over there." Claire pointed in his direction. Darci and Mary smirked at each other.
"Oh shut up." Claire sternly spoke.
And all three burst into laughter. Jim finally removed his glamour mask once he decided they where far enough from human sight.
"Can we say hi to him?" Darci asked. Claire looked at Jim for approval and he just shrugged. Helpful.
"Sure I guess." She turned the phone to him and he smiled.
"That's Jim?" They asked.
"That's Jim." He confirmed.
"Y-your a troll?" Mary asked.
"Have you always been?" Darci asked.
"No. I got turned onto one to defeat Gunnar in the eternal night. It's kinda... permanent."
"Well I think you look cool." Mary said.
"Especially with the armor." Darci added.
"Thanks." Was all he said. Jim forced a smiled. "Uh Claire I should go get some food."
Claire smiled.
"Of corse. I'll stay here."
Jim turned around and walked off as he listen too the girls finish their conversation.

Sorry for the super lat update I am running out of ideas. Don't worry though I'll keep writing the book, maybe.

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