The General

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At Barbra's house:

There was a knock at the door.
Barbra answered it with hesitation.
It's probably Toby. She thought.
She was wrong.
"Hello." A woman said as she finished opening he door. She was wearing an army suit with lots of badges. There where four trucks in her front yard. And many people in orange suits.
Her heart skipped hundreds of beats.
"Hello?" Barbra asked, "did I do something wrong?"
"Ma'am, I am general Kubritz, and we believe that you had an impact with that giant fiery tornado. Hmm?"
"I don't know what your taking about." Barbra's mouth went dry.
"You don't? Interesting. May I come inside?"
Barbra hesitantly nodded. She would be an idiot to say no.
"Thank you." She replied sitting down on her couch.
"I can make you coffee or some lemonade if you prefer." Barbra answered.
"That won't be necessary." She said coldly. "Here sit Mrs. Lake. We have much to talk about."
I'm sure we do. Barbra thought sitting as far away from the general as she could.
"Now..." she pulled out a file that she had in a brief case. How did she not realize she had that?
"Is this your son?" She pulled out a picture of him. Her heart skipped another beat when she saw him in his human form.
"It is." She answered.
"You are aware that your son went mysteriously missing the day after the tornado?"
"I-" what is she going to say?! "He isn't missing!" She blurted out.
"Really? Then would you care to give us an insight on where he is at? Or better yet going?"
Barbra couldn't breathe at the last part the general spoke.
"He is on a trip with some friends." She lied.
"Is that so? Let me continue, if I may. Claire Nuñes also went missing on the same day. Is that not true?"
"Your son also missed 65 days of school. As did Claire, and Toby Domsalski. They each missed 65 days. Care to explain what they where doing in those moments of time?"
Barbra was in shock.
"I told you I don't know what-"
"I'm talking about? Yes I know. But Mrs. Lake, I think you do." She pulled out a second file and slapped it down on the coffee table. "Jim Lake, absent from school January 5th. Claire Nuñes, the 5th. Tobias Domsalski," the general looked up. "The fifth day of January."
Barbra was blown away.
"Barbra I believe your children had something to do with the fire tornado. Look, I work with the supernatural. And you can't hide the fact that your son and his friends are apart of this too." The general then pulled out a paper. She set it down and then... flipped it over. It was a picture of her son. But not human. How did she-
"Is this your son now?" She asked.
Barbra didn't answer.
"I am assuming yes."
"No I didn't say that-"
"Oh, but you don't need to. I know they are traveling to seek a new home right? And I know for a fact that your son is this creature. And I also know that these animals have terrorized Arcadia, and it is my job to take them into custody and find a way to prevent them from ever hurting the world again. All I need to know is where they are going."
"Okay, ma'am with all due respect, you can't just come into my house and demand answers. I told you before, I don't know what your talking about. That thing is not my son. If you want to know where they are going you're asking the wrong person." Barbra tried her best to act angry and not scared that her son could be captured by her and her men.
"Your right. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I will leave you. Thank you, you have been most helpful." Kubritz said. Then without another word she walked out of the house.
Kubritz, once she was out turned to her men;
"Gentlemen, where going to New Jersey."

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