Chapter 4

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When we got in Rosé put my cage down and opened it so I could explore. I was very hesitant but I got out and jumped onto the sofa. "hey y/n you can't sit up there whilst you are in kitty form" Jennie said. I then jumped off and sat on the floor near Lisa. She picked me up and I cuddled into her chest "so cute" she said as she started to stroke me. She sat down on the sofa with me in her lat. I could feel myself slowly falling asleep on her lap. So instead of fighting it I let myself fall into the darkness.
*Lisa POV*

Y/N was asleep on my lap. She looked so cute. Her soft pitch black fur, her ears a little light then the rest of her body. "you know I never thought you would be a cat person Lisa" Jisoo said "you seem more of a bunny person"

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