"Group Study"

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I looked at the address. I knew exactly where it was, because I had lived around here for at least five years. I could walk there, but that would take at least half an hour.

I started walking towards my destination with negative feelings raging inside. As I walked, I thought about the series of events that had happened by far. I sighed.

"This day could not get any worse," I mumbled to myself.

Just then, the sky rumbled. I felt something prick my forehead. Drop. Drop. Drop. I reached up, panicking because I thought it was bird poo. When I touched it, I was very relieved. Just normal, clear, rainwater.





"Oh shit," I cursed and started running. It rained hard and heavily. I was totally drenched because of the rain. Regardless, I continued running because I didn't want to get any more wet. My shoes were submerged in several puddles and mud.

When I reached my destination, I didn't have time to look around. I had to run into the shelter of the house.

By then, I was shivering in cold in my wet clothes with wet belongings. I hurriedly rang the doorbell. A screen, beside the door, lit up at the moment. The screen was a small box and it displayed a guy's face. I recognised the face to be RapMon.


"It's me. Let me in," I managed to say. I hardened my jaw because my teeth kept shaking. Actually, my whole body was shaking.

The door instantly opened by itself.

I had to admit, it was cool. Who wouldn't want an automated door in their own house - er, dorm? I assumed it was BTS's dorm.

The moment I stepped inside, someone rushed towards me and hugged me. Hana pulled back as soon as our skin came into contact.

"Ugh, you're cold and wet," she said, placing a towel around me.

"Oh wow thanks. So glad you noticed that. You might not have noticed the heavy rain outside though. Go have a look," I said sarcastically. Okay, maybe I wasn't in the best of moods.

"Hye Young! Are you okay?" she asked. "Are you cold? Hungry? Tired?"

I shrugged, not caring anymore. "Where are the guys?"

"Downstairs. Greet them first. I'll go grab some things for you. You need to shower. You'll catch a fever if you don't." With that, she ran into a room and disappeared from my sight.

Wow, she sure knows the way around here, I thought. I walked down the stairs (in wet clothes and all) to the basement to find the jerks. I could hear music blasting. Hip hop. No matter what I think of BTS, it will never get in the way of my love for hip hop and also a bit of pop.

There was a door at the bottom of the stairs with a window to see through. I peeked and saw the members practising dance moves. Quite impressive.

Just a few seconds later, the song ended. I quickly knocked on the door so I wouldn't be caught watching them. I hugged myself, because I was still very cold.

"Who is it?" I heard RapMon call out.

"It's me."

The door opened without anyone actually doing it. Once again, I was amazed. Did all their doors do that? I stepped in and stood there awkwardly.

"Why are you all wet? Your hair is wet, your clothes are wet, even your bag is wet," Jimin commented.

Once again, I tried to say with a tone of sarcasm, "T-There was a f-f-f-free w-water ride in one of the p-parks nearby. I went to ch-ch-check it out. Turns out they just s-splashed water on me. T-T-that's all."

Because We're The Same ft. V of BTSWhere stories live. Discover now