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"38.9?" I exclaimed in shock. I groaned and leaned my head against the woodboard of the bed. "But I need to go to school today..."

My body temperature was higher than normal. I had already felt the cold coming last night, but I thought it was a slight flu. However, since I was already awake and could think straight, I dragged myself out of bed.

"Time to go to school," I mumbled.

I did not bother to catch the first bus because I was too exhausted. When the second bus arrived, I lazily climbed the stairs and took the furthest empty seat I could find.

In school, I tried my best to focus in class. A very painful headache would only come in the rarest of times, like when I was sleeping in the middle of History class or when I was staring out the window. Normally I could overcome the pain with just a swig of water from my bottle.

During lunch, I decided to head to the rooftop for some fresh air, but not before grabbing a bite off an apple for some energy. Climbing the stairs two at a time, I got to the top quite fast. I doubted anyone would be there except - I opened the door to the rooftop - BTS. They were all too busy with their phones to notice me, though.

Groaning inwardly, I tiptoed to the seat furthest from them as quietly as possible. Not caring about judgement, I put both feet on the bench and hugged my knees. I angled my head down to block out the sunlight. At that moment, I could feel my head throbbing.

Stupid headache, I cursed inside.

Imagine my frustration when some douchebag had to tap me. I looked up and glared at the person. Or rather, people.

"What do you guys want?" I asked, gritting my teeth because of the pain in my head.

"Chill, we just wanted to ask you something," RapMon said, with a look that said woah girl, relax.

"I'm tired, go away." I waved my hands as if to shoo them off and put my head down again.

As expected, they refused to listen.

"By chance," Jimin started, "do you have any idea where J-Hope is?"

I shook my head, knees shaking as well with the movement.

"Or perhaps, Hana?"

Shit. My head was hurting real bad. A huge headache just creeped in. It felt like a big, ugly giant just appeared in front of me and stomped on me over and over again. And he had big spiky feet.

I shook my head as an answer. I hadn't seen her the whole day. I guessed if I did, at least there would be someone to take care of me. I did try to search for her, but it was a search which ended in vain. In the end I was left alone until now. Not that I was bothered by the solitude. I covered my head with my hands as I tried to withstand the pain.

"Or maybe--" Jimin started again, but was cut off.

Holy cheeseballs, just leave me alone.

My head snapped up. "Look, it's your friends, your members, so why are you asking me, a lonely nerd, these? Isn't it better to ask some of the more popular people? And besides, can't you see I'm extremely worn out? I have better things to do. Hana hasn't been in my sight since yesterday, and J-Hope too, so please leave me alone. I don't want to get involved with you guys anymore."

The migraine still in my head, I angrily stood and stormed off. Apparently, life wasn't fair. It had to choose that moment for me to drop to my knees. My head really hurt. Now it felt like the giant was squishing me and trying to flatten me completely. My hands immediately flew up to my head to try to stop the pain. I looked around, still on my knees, for a split second but my eyes immediately fluttered closed when I saw the world spinning around me.

Because We're The Same ft. V of BTSWhere stories live. Discover now