What'd You Come For?

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V was waiting at my doorstep.

If only my house was the one beside it, or the one opposite it. Maybe then would I not have to entertain him.

I fished out my keys from my bag as I approached the door, completely disregarding his presence. Any girl in my shoes would be screaming by now. I would not deny that I wanted to do that; I wanted to scream out in frustration.

"Seriously?" he spoke up. "You're giving me the cold shoulder now?"

I turned to face him and put my hands on my hips. "Yes, well, if you weren't updated, BTS and I have come up with a deal that we would never bother each other again. It kind of brings me to wonder why you're here."

He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. "If you're here to apologize or anything, I don't think it's going to be productive."

On second thought, I don't think he's going to apologize at all. He has a huge ego after all.

V clutched his chest, mocking a hurt look. "You insult me. But no, I wasn't going to apologize."


"So what'd you come here for?" I asked again. "Argue again?"

He smirked. "As fun as that sounds, no. I just left my stuff here. I think I left something really valuable to me."

"Oh, wow, you can actually value something," I commented as I opened the door and allowed him to enter too.

"Why are you such a bitch?" he asked me.

"You want to ask me that right after I let you in?" I asked back, totally taken aback by his straightforwardness.

"I mean, you were one to Hana just now."

And he had to mention her.

I shrugged. "What can I say? Everyone calls me a bitch, even those I've never talked to before."

"That doesn't mean you have to act like one!" he pointed out.

I sighed in frustration and plopped onto the sofa. I switched on the television and browsed through different channels.

"Why do you care anyway? It's not like you have to deal with me 24 hours round the clock," I said, eyes still trained on the television.

I heard V take a seat on the other end of the sofa. "If you continue being so cold and distant from others, you won't get far in life. You should value all that you have, from the beginning to the end."

"I didn't have anyone to begin with," I snapped. "And since when did you become so philosophical? Did the boys send you here?"

Surprisingly, he nodded.

I scoffed. "No wonder. If otherwise, you wouldn't be you."

At that, V suddenly stood. It startled me. "I can't do this. I was supposed to calm your anger towards Hana and now-"

"It's J-Hope, isn't it?" I interrupted, looking at him. "He asked you to tell me to calm down?"

It was V's turn to sigh in frustration. "Look, do what you want. Just... stop being so stubborn and make friends. You've already lost Hana, and in your case, it might mean a lot."

Ouch. How many times has he burned me today?

I looked away from him, refusing to respond. He did not know who else I'd lost, and how important they were to me. My parents, my long-lost best friend whom I haven't met for years and maybe I had even lost myself.

"Whatever, I'm going now," V mumbled.

Following his words, he left. I clearly remembered his purpose of coming here, and that was to retrieve something,  but I surely did not remember him actually doing that.

"So he did come here to fight," I mumbled in turn.

I took a few minutes to think of the things that happened recently. All in all, today consisted of mainly three conflicts, and I was involved in all. I could not help fretting over the fact that maybe I reacted a little bit too harsh on Hana, but the past was the past. And I was the type of person who would prefer it to be that way.

Fortunately, the next few weeks flew by very quickly. I decided to continue ignoring Hana. However, the thing was, there wasn't even any need to ignore her. She did not even  bother to apologize.

Hana changed. A lot. I had observed over the weeks, that she had become less innocent. Her skirt was shorter, her makeup was excessive and her attitude; let's just say she turned for the worse. Maybe me being her friend had restricted her from being so.

To put it on the bright side, she turned from introvert to extrovert. To put it on honest terms, she turned from a nice, lovely person to being an outright popularity bitch you can find in every high school.

Everytime we saw each other, Hana would roll her eyes at me and cling onto J-Hope. The BTS members would take turns on some days, asking me if I needed company. I declined, because I didn't want to be around Hana.

Tae Yeon, on the other hand, got closer to me. On most days, she would hang out with me, rather than BTS. I really appreciated her company. She would update me on recent BTS-related news, which I was not really interested on knowing, but I couldn't just ignore her.

One day in November, she seemed overly excited. During lunch break, she practically skipped over to me.

"Guess what, guess what, guess what?" she asked me repeatedly.

"What?" I asked, curious.

"Guess," she said, frowning.

"Uh... free burgers today?"

She shook her head.

I tried guessing a few more times. "Free sandwiches? Free  cakes? Free-"

Tae Yeon slapped my shoulder, earning an "Ouch!" from me. "Why do you always think of food?"

"Sorry," I replied sheepishly.

"Anyway, today BTS has officially debuted," she beamed.

"Didn't they already debut officially a few months ago?" I asked.

During their performance.

"Yes, but today they have debuted as official non-rookies!"

I was surprised. It normally took years to be free of the name "rookie group". "Really?"

Tae Yeon nodded. "Let's go congratulate them later, okay? At their dorm."

I wanted to say no because Hana might be there, but then I decided, who cares? I did not even know her anymore. In the end, I made up my mind and agreed with Tae Yeon's suggestion.

As we arrived there, I took in a deep breath.

I saw Tae Yeon glance at me before re-focusing on parking again. "Why so nervous?"

"I have a feeling Hana will be there," I told her.

Tae Yeon had told me that she hadn't liked Hana since they first met. She had told me everything related to that too; her former closeness to J-Hope, her friendship with J-Hope, her crush on J-Hope(Seriously? "He's cheerful and positive"?). Hana was one of the reasons she hung out with me more than BTS now. She had felt pushed aside when Hana became the queenka.

"Oh," was all she said.

On the way to the door, we talked about how Hana had changed drastically. Soon, it was time to meet them. I exhaled nervously.

Tae Yeon just turned the knob.

"I have visited them countless of times," she once explained.

Well, I expected her to open the door and just enter. What I- we did not expect was the whole place looking like a party was being held.

Because We're The Same ft. V of BTSWhere stories live. Discover now