Idols can date

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I've seen so many comments saying Hyuna and E'dawn shouldn't date/deserved to be kicked out of Cube for dating.

First of. Wtf? Who are you to decide on who gets to love who? If Hyuna and E'dawn wanted to get together, then they can get together.

Hyuna and E'dawn came out about their relationship, and a lot of people supported them, but there were a few who hated against them.
But, if they didn't say anything about their relationship, and it got exposed. Fans would be hating them both for not being truthful and not telling them about it.

This doesn't just go to them though. Any idol deserves to date ANYONE. Whether it's another idol, or someone else they know.

You can't keep fantasising about dating your idol when they're 60 and at
home alone with no family because their 'fans' kept them from having a real relationship with anyone.

People need to face the fact that, people will fall in love, and idols can aswell.


If I'm being honest, I'm happy E'dawn and Hyuna got kicked out. Now they can be in Pnation and make music together 💖

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