1: Painting can get messy ✖️

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{ ✖️means unedited and ☑️ means edited}

Taehyung kept a tight hold on Jaeho's hand as he tried to rush off across the road without his father in a try to get to school quicker. Taehyung kept his stoic expression on as he held his child's hand and safely crossed the road, nearing the kindergarten. The kindergarten would be paradise for one with small chubby hands and the other it would be another form of hell.

To say Taehyung was nervous was an understatement, he wish he acted like Jaeho sometimes, always so care free, simple minded and easily pleased. The latter was in the moment running around chasing a butterfly like a dog, trying to catch it in his chubby palms. 'Be careful, don't harm the poor thing.' Taehyung called to his child, who nodded and replied with 'I won't Appa! No worry.' and the boy continued to chase the butterfly.

Once they had arrived at their destination Jaeho had to be taken into a classroom the nice lady who would escort him their said her name was Jisoo and that she was a secretary at the kindergarten. She also told Taehyung that he was in Yoongi, or Mr Min's class and Taehyung nodded letting her take Jaeho away. Jaeho quickly ran back to Taehyung though giving him a hug and a cheek kiss saying 'I see you wif lunch!' excitedly. Taehyung smiled down at him softly 'Go make friends, bud.' He ruffled up Jaeho's hair and let him run back to the nice Jisoo, who took his hand and continued to lead him away.

Taehyung then walked to his classroom, finding it empty. He saw a schedule on his new desk and he picked it up examining the classes he would have. First is free, second he has 'Mr Kim N' s class' third 'Mr Park J' then the first break and after that it was 'Mr Min Y' which he figured was Jaeho's class in fourth. Fifth was 'Mr Jung H's' Sixth was another free and then a lunch break, then seventh was 'Mr Jeon J' and lastly at the end of the day was a 'Mr Kim S' he smiled slightly 'how funny, three Kim's' he thought.

Taehyung then took a wonder around his classroom. He found pencils, paper, rubbers and scissors scattered around the room in little boxes on the tables. He also noticed a door and as he walked through he was in a small cupboard surrounded by paints, pens, paint brushes, canvases and notepads and notebooks. He sighed with a small smile, feeling like he was in paradise. There was a section as the back for him which had a movable easel and a few big canvases. He smiled at it and took it out into the front of his classroom. At the back of the classroom by the door were roughly 25 pegs, each had a tiny apron hanging by it's tag on it, in all different colours. There was also a bigger one, clearly meant for him, which was black and clean.

Before Taehyung started he noticed another piece of paper, this one told him about his classes more specifically. It said things like, colouring on Monday, Wednesday. Painting would be Tuesday and Thursdays and that Taehyung could decide what happened on Fridays. It also said that it would be good if he gave the class a topic to make the painting/ drawing based on like the classic 'Family' or maybe 'Friends' but also emotions like 'a time you were Happy' or the same but sad or scared.

Taehyung liked that their was a plan otherwise he would of had to wing it through the whole year probably. Taehyung then goes back to the painting and realises he should probably come up with some topics for class so he sits down in his super comfy desk chair, opening up his laptop and starting to write topics he comes up with down in a blank document. He then makes a plan for each being on a set day.

Once Taehyung is done with that he closes his laptop after saving the file and leans back on his chair head tilted to the sky and a sigh escaping his lips. He glances to the empty canvas and wonders what to paint. He then looks at all the paint colour options that lay before him and suddenly an idea appears into his head. He then goes over to the canvas and sets aside his chosen colours of paint he will need. Taehyung then starts to paint a small smile playing on his lips the whole time as he feels in his essence, content, painting and smudging with his fingers.

Once he is a quarter way done he stands back admiring his work, he realises that this will take a long time and he may finish it today he isn't sure. Taehyung pushes his hair back and after he glances at his hand, finding it covered in vast arrays of whites, greys, pinks and yellows. He then looks at his other hand finding it not that different, the paint splatters going up his arms and some on the new apron, he is glad he rolled up his sleeves of his new shirt. He then goes over to the mirror nearby which is at the height for the kids so he kneels down to look at his face and oh, shit. Taehyung's face is worse than his arms, he has paint all over his cheek, some in his eyebrows and a lot on his forehead. He realises the paint on his hands is clearly not dry and when he earlier ran his hands through the soft strands of his grey hair he got a load of the paint now stuck in it. Taehyung was about to go and wash it off in the sink also in his classroom, because the school clearly knows how messy kids can get, but a knock on his closed classroom doors stops him from doing that.

'Shit' Taehyung mumbles quietly as he looks at his face once more before saying screw it and getting up, heading to the door. Of course, to Taehyung's luck, standing outside the door holding a child's, sorry, HIS child's hand is a short, hot yet almost angry looking man.

'Jaeho?' he asks confused. 'Appa!' Jaeho shouts before collapsing onto his fathers legs, holding them tightly as if letting go means he will never see him again. Taehyung looks up at the man who brought him who was looking down at Jaeho with a soft smile. Once the short man notices Taehyung he blushes and stops smiling putting a blank face back on. 'You look better with the smile.' Taehyung comments without thinking, immediately shutting up once he realises he said that out loud and to his face. The hot guy is blushing and looking everywhere but Taehyung.

'Uhm t-thank you.' The man then coughs and continues 'Jaeho started crying in my class saying he missed you and I said that you would pick him up later but then he said he wanted to go to art now so he could see you. That's when I realised the new art teacher was his dad so I took him here so you could talk to him about not being upset and stuff,or whatever dads do I don't really know.' 'Yeah I'll do that, if you want I can bring him back to class in about five minutes.' 'It's fine I can wait, Lisa is taking care of the class right now anyway. Plus I really want a break from them.' Taehyung looks at the man he assumes to be Yoongi as he is his class teacher. 'Hasn't it only been like 30 minutes? Also i'm Taehyung, Kim Taehyung.' The guy just nods at Taehyung's previous statement then introduces himself. 'Oh, yeah. I'm Min Yoongi, I'm a two classes down.' Taehyung nods then bends down and picks up Jaeho. 'I also love the look' Yoongi comments jokingly as he motions to the entirety of Taehyung's paint covered face. Now Taehyung is the only one flushing. 'Haha, yeah. I was painting and didn't realise it was all over my hands and touched my face a lot.' Yoongi just nodded with a tiny smile playing on his lips.

'What's wrong baby?' He asks and Jaeho hides his head into the crook of Taehyung's neck. 'Miss you.' Taehyung smiles pecking the top of Jaeho's hair 'Your so silly bud, it hasn't even been that long' Jaeho giggles as Taehyung begins to tickle his sides making the boy squirm and laugh, wriggling around trying to get away from his dad's devilish fingers. Taehyung then stops, 'You need to go back to class, prince. I'll give you ice-cream tonight if you don't cry for the rest of the day, deal?' Jaeho nods saying 'deal.' and holding out his fat little pinky which Taehyung locks as a promise. Jaeho then jumps out his arms and runs back to Yoongi grabbing the others hand and waving to Taehyung with his free hand 'See you later Appa!' and with that Jaeho leaves him again, this time though holding the hand of a seriously hot guy, Yoongi turns around and waves to Taehyung as a goodbye and Taehyung waving back. Neither show it but both are having weird feelings in their stomachs, one is nervous and excited for what this might mean but the other not so much. Taehyung slaps himself for thinking those things about Yoongi 'no, not again' and he heads back to his desk, blank expression restored to his face. He gets ready for the kids of Mr N Kim's class which are going to arrive soon enough.


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