6: What happens in the teachers lounge stays there

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Taehyung decided to eat lunch in the teachers lounge today. He hung out outside at the first break and now it was time for him to actually meet the rest of the teachers and hopefully write notes on the kids art work for their parents to see. He decided to give each kid a special quote too and he gave each a little heart at the end. He hoped the kids and parents liked them. Everyone was sat in the teachers lounge apart from Jisoo who was outside looking after the kids and Lisa and Rose who were both staying at the front desk in case someone came in need of help.

Taehyung awkwardly opened the door to find everyone else already there. Jin, Yoongi, Jungkook (he thinks), Namjoon and three others he doesn't know. The teachers lounge had about three sofa's. It also has one giant table in the middle with chairs all around it and what seems to be a white board. Maybe this used to be a classroom. There was also a projector showing that this was also the meeting area too. Taehyung decided to sit at the desk knowing it would be better for his back as well as it being more stable for his work. He takes one of the empty seats that are reasonably far away but not too far that it seems rude. 'Hi Taehyung.' Namjoon greets, Taehyung sticks with a smile and a nod back. He pulls out the giant folder he brought and opens it, taking out a few sheets of paper that the kids had drawn on and started to write on fresh sheets which he would staple to the drawing and give back to the child, telling them to give it to their parent to read. One of the people he hadn't met yet, and the only girl in the room, walked behind Taehyung and looked at he work. 'Haha, is that your art?' She laughed no one else joined and Taehyung cringed at how she puffed out her chest and faked a high pitch "cute" laugh which hurt his ears. Taehyung gives back a fake laugh and says 'No, it's the kids work.' Not long later there is a knock on the door and everyone looks.

Mina opens the door waving a smiling at Jin saying hi. She's carrying Jaeho and he is squirming trying to get to Taehyung. Mina ends up putting him down and Taehyung catches him. 'Appa! I go!' Taehyung smiles at Jaeho and nods, 'Yeah. You go with Mina to the dentist for check up?' Jaeho nods agreeing even though he deosn't completely understand. Everyone is watching Jaeho, Mina and Taehyung as Mina walks over and rests a hand on Taehyung's shoulder. Everyone but Jin is confused with the possibly 'family' because everyone thought Taehyung was a single father.

'Jaeho, baby. We need to go otherwise we'll be late.' The boys all frowned more but the girl smirked. Mina picked up Jaeho and walked towards the door, her back to everyone but Jaeho was looking at them all and waving. Jaeho started wriggling so Mina once again set him down, allowing Jaeho to run up to Jin. 'Jinnie! You come round again, more sleepovers!!' Jaeho said as he hugged Jin's legs while smiling and jumping. Jin smiled down at him, picking him up and hugging him 'Sure Jaeho, anytime.' As he set Jaeho down the little boy took off towards Yoongi, who immediately smiled and stood, opening his arms for Jaeho to jump into as he squatted. Jaeho jumped and Yoongi caught him, hugging and spinning the little boy around, Jaeho giggling the entire time and Yoongi joining in. Everyone stared shocked at Yoongi being so nice(?) and cuddly(?).

Yoongi stopped and Jaeho started talking 'Yoonie, you come round too! I can't wait for lesson, miss youuuuu.' Jaeho dragged out his you at the end and Yoongi smiled agreeing and saying 'I miss you toooooo.' which is ironic since Jaeho was being held in his arms and the little boy has still yet to leave.  Finally after being placed on the floor and giving Taehyung one last hug the boy left in Mina's arms. 

'Huh, I didn't know you were married, or had a little one for that matter.' The girl said as she stood, hands on her hips and leg awkwardly out. The others all looked at Taehyung waiting for his answer, 'Actually,' Taehyung started then the girl interrupted with a way to high pitch squeal to be real, 'Ah! I never told you my name. I'm Jennie, nice to meet you.' She held out her hand and when Taehyung went to shake it she pulled him close and whispered in his ear, 'Stay away from the others, if not who knows what will happen to that little boy of yours, Jaeho was it?' Taehyung was filled with anger as he pushed Jennie away from him, 'Stay the fuck away from my son, if I hear you so much as breath near him I'll report you, don't want that to happen now do you?' Taehyung said returning the bitchy smile she had given him, he walked to the door and opened half walking out but pausing, 'Don't ever threaten me or my son again, bitch.' and with that the door slammed shut and inside it was silent as Taehyung angrily walked away. 

( Hey, so this was longer, but when I came back to edit it half of it had deleted so I had to rewrite it, sorry it's shorter than the rest of the chapter, I only roughly remembered what happened and not very detailed so it's shorter. Once again i'm really sorry for not realising sooner and fixing the problem.)


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