7: Big things and small people

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Taehyung continued to angrily stomp down the halls, a furious frown on his face as he went into his class room. He slammed the door closed and got out his painting knowing it was going to calm him down.
After ten minuets he heard footsteps in the hall way and soon there was a knock. Busy covered in black, pink, white, red and orange paint unable to open the door without getting paint everywhere he instead shouted 'come in!' The door opened and a short man with pink hair walked in. He was looking around the room in awe, not noticing Taehyung stood there staring at him. At some stage throughout Taehyung's time he decided to hang up some of the kids art around the room and that is what the small man was staring at right now. When the man finally notice Taehyung he gasped and blushed, embarrassed.

He quickly looked everywhere but Taehyung then plucked up the courage to look at the man, 'Haha, sorry I didn't mean to stare.' Taehyung dismisses him with a wave of the hand and 'it's fine.' The man nodded and the carried on 'Anyway, my name is Jimin, Park Jimin. I don't think I've introduced myself yet.' Taehyung nods 'Hi, I'm Taehyung. nice to meet you.' Jimin let's on a full blown smile which makes his eyes crescent and disappear. 'You too!' There is a pause in the conversation, a gap where the two stayed in silence. It wasn't awkward just simple and comforting. 'Oh, I also came to say that ignore what Jennie says. She's always been like that, trying to get in our pants and it's gross. She really can't take a hint.' Jimin rolls his eyes and his shoulders tense as he think back to a memory, probably one of the many times Jennie has draped herself over Jimin and tried to grab his crotch. Taehyung laughs and nods along 'Well at least I know she won't be trying to get into my pants.' Jimin looks surprised by this and then Taehyung clears his mind by saying 'I think she sees me as some sort of competition? I don't really know why.'

Jimin smirks a sudden power and bravery coming to him as he blatantly checks Taehyung out and comments 'I know why.' Taehyung looks shocked and then blushes, starting to stammer and unsure what to say next. Jimin moves close leaning on the wall next to Taehyung 'Hey how about you paint me?' Taehyung laughs and says 'That would take to long, you'd cramp.' Jimin smiles and drops the weird act he got 'Okay, okay.' He walks over and stand in front of Taehyung. The two talk for a while about nothing and everything, letting the topic float around and the two connect immediately, a clear friendship blossoming. As the two hear the bell outside they sigh in unison and then airily laugh. 'I guess I better head back to my classroom, see you Taehyung.' Taehyung smiles and waves at Jimin as he leaves but choosing to stay quiet.

It's been roughly three weeks and everything is going well for Taehyung, Jennie has stayed away, classes are great, the kids are well behaved while also being the kids that they are (crazy), jimin and he spend breaks talking and Jaeho is loving it all too. Jin came round again, this time not for a sleep over though, much against the little Jaeho. Right now Taehyung is talking with Jimin when the door is burst open and in trudges Hoseok, a man Taehyung doesn't know that well but has learnt merely his name. 'Jimin, it's dance.' Jimin's face lights up at the words Hoseok says and he is immediately on his feet, pulling Taehyung with him and dragging him out the class to a gym Taehyung didn't even realise they had. Hoseok explained what was happening to Taehyung while Jimin ran off to fetch the kids. 'Ok, so we are doing a dance which we are going to put on for the parents, it took a while for the idea to pitch so this has to go well if we want to do it again. Me and Jimin are going to be teaching the kids and your here for moral support.' Taehyung decided to joke, not liking the unusual stoic expression on Hoseok's face, used to seeing him laughing or smiling with whoever (but Jennie) he is talking too. 'For who? You guys do the kids?' Hoseok laughs and adds 'both honestly.'

There's a crash as the door swing open wide and a heard of running kids come racing into the gym going straight to Taehyung and Hoseok, swarming them. The men laugh at the sweating and panting Jimin running behind and finally stopping and catching his breath, bent over himself and his hands on his knees. As soon as everyone is calmed down and Taehyung is comfortably seated Hoseok and Jimin start talking to the kids about the dance show, the little ones all getting excited and jumping and cheering. As they start to dance it is clear they are going to need a lot of practise but hey, the ages are only 4-7(?) and most have never danced or had lessons before. So it's a start.

Plus seeing all the happy smiley faces makes everything worth it.

(Honestly, I love this book. I just feel like it's a flop though, that everything is awkward and doesn't fit together. Basically I feel like it's trash and I'm honestly contemplating if I should continue it or not :/.
Anyway this once again isn't one of my longest chapters but I wanted to get it out before tomorrow (which is in- never mind it was like 4 minuets ago) so ANywAy sorry about it not being long,
I kept getting distracted by pop tarts, the try guys, Shane Dawson and Homestuck (<- they made a second one and I'm s c a r e d)

I hope you liked the chapter, I would love to know your thoughts on it so please comment them)

27/09/19 - 28/09/19

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