Origin's Cutscene Intro

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Alright time for some Zombies. Man It's been so long since I've played any zombie based games. Oh, well. And yes I'm giving you the video to listen to and suspect me to use images to show of clothing in the future. Crazy said before disappearing.


"Hey, Lily why are you here hugging me?" Jaune asked his little sister. "Is she always like this Jaune?" Pyrrha asked. "No, she usually gets likes this when it comes to Zombie movies or something zombie related." Jaune said trying to pry off Lily. "Zombies! No no nononono. I have to go somewhere before Crazy shows up." Ruby said looking around. That would be a no Ruby but if it makes you feel better Jaune is getting a pretty nifty gun. Crazy said popping out of nowhere. "So this universe is zombie related." Jaune asked lightly petting his little sister to calm her down. Yup, this universe is so complicated that I'm not going full into detail. Crazy said.

"But we'll gladly accept some information about this universe." Ozpin said drinking from his mug. Glad- *BOOM* AAAHHHH, look out below! A high pitch voice screams from above. *Crash* "What the hell?" Qrow asked waking from his drunken slumber. A small object has fallen from the ceiling and curled up into a ball. Eveyone looks at the small object. The small object looks blue, yellow, white and a small hint with red. The small object begins to shake making everyone back away from it until. *POP* The small object is to be revealed a small child.

 *POP* The small object is to be revealed a small child

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Sorry about that Crazy! But I got news for you. The small child said. "How the hell did a kid survive that?" Qrow said. That ain't no kid Qrow but that right there is innocence. He decided to become one of the most innocent people from a different universe. Crazy said "Innocence, so he doesn't curse." Qrow said. That doesn't matter, right now! Crazy, Intelligence has informed me that he has fix and upgraded the cameras. Also we finished fixing up their universe. I've already inform Good and Parental. Innocence said ignoring everyone staring at him.

Thank you for telling me Innocence. But did you really have to enter in like a meteor. Couldn't you just like enter through the door like normally. Crazy said with a anime like sweat drop on his head. "Says the guy that pops in and out of existence." Qrow said. "If I heard correctly you have said that our universe is now fixed." Ozpin said. You bet. Don't worry about the baddies. Anger will make sure that they never enter your universe. But the Grimm will still be a threat. Innocence said looking at Jaune. "Hey, why are you looking at me for?" Jaune asked nervously.

A red like mist forms around Jaune and leaves him and moves to the side of innocence. The mist starts taking form and transforms.

 The mist starts taking form and transforms

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