A Study in Pink (Part 4)

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(Extra EXTRA long chapter)

"Nobody getting in, and nobody getting out. Why a taxi? Oh that's clever. Is it clever? Why is it clever?" Sherlock asked as we kept looking out. "That's him." I said as I turned around, taking another bite of food. "Don't stare." Sherlock told John as John looked at him. "You're staring." He said as I giggled softly. "We can't both stare." Sherlock said and grabbed his things before standing up and walked out with John following. I took another bite of food and quickly hurried out with the boys after thanking Angelo for the meal. 

We stopped as Sherlock put on his coat and scarf while the man in the taxi looked around and at us. He turned back around when the taxi started driving off. Sherlock went to run after, but a car got in the way as he jumped over it. I ran around it as me and John ran after him. "I've got the cab number!" John said as we stopped and watched it drive away. "Good for you." Sherlock said as he went into a deep thought as if he was trying to remember something. I untied my coat from my waist and put it on as John and I looked around. 

"Right turn, one way, roadworks, traffic lights, bus lane, pedestrian crossing, left turn on, traffic lights." Sherlock said then took off with me and John behind him. He pushed a man out of the way as I apologized to him as we turned into a building an ran upstairs then ran up some spiral stairs. We ran outside and down another set of spiral stairs. Sherlock jumped over a railing as did we as we tried to catch up. He then took a mighty leap to the next roof as I came to a stop while John jumped across and ran with Sherlock. I looked down and gulped softly. Fear of heights is not the best right now. 

"Come on, Iris. We're losing him!" Sherlock said as he ran back to me. "I can't!" I said and backed up. "You got this, Iris! We need your help! Just close your eyes and jump!" Sherlock said as I looked at him. I took a deep breath and ran then jumped. I felt myself almost fall down on the roof, but arms caught me. "Come on!" Sherlock said as he dragged me with him, holding my hand. We ran down more stairs and got off the building. We ran down a few alleyways as we tried to cut the taxi off, but missed him. "Oh! This way." Sherlock said as he ran right, dragging me with him as John ran left.

"No! This way!" Sherlock said as John apologized and turned around. We turned down another road then turned down into another alleyway. We finally met up with the taxi as Sherlock stopped it by almost getting himself hit. "Police! Open up!" He said and held a badge as he opened the back door. I panted softly from all that running. He looked at the man in the back as I rested my hands on my knees and bent forward. "No...Teeth, tan. What, Californian? LA, Santa Monica. Just arrived." Sherlock said as we looked at him. 

"How could you possibly know that?" John asked as I stood up straight. "The luggage." I said and gestured to it. "Ah, probably your first trip to London, right? Going by your final destination and the route the cabbie was taking you." Sherlock said as I leaned on John, finally getting my breathing back on track. "Sorry, are you guys the police?" The man asked with confusion. "Yeah. Everything all right?" Sherlock asked, quickly showing him the badge. "Yeah." The man said with a smile. "Welcome to London." Sherlock said as he walked away. 

"Uh, any problems, just let us know." John said and shut the door as we ran to catch up with Sherlock. "Basically a cab that happened to slow down." John said as Sherlock waited for us as I looked back at the cab. "Basically." I said as I crossed my arms as with a smile. "Not the murderer." John said as I looked around as where we were. "Not the murderer, no." Sherlock said as he looked at some people. "Wrong country, goo alibi." John said as I giggled a little. "As they go." Sherlock said as I turned around to see Sherlock holding his badge. "Hey, where did you get this?" I asked as I gently took the badge and looked in it. 

"Detective Inspector Lestrade." I read aloud as I looked at him. "Yeah. I pickpocket him when he's annoying. You can keep that one, I've got plenty at the flat." He said as I started laughing. "What?" He asked as he and John looked at me with curiosity. "Nothing, just...'Welcome to London.'" I said quoting Sherlock as both boys chuckled. We  look to see that the man got out of the taxi and talking to a police officer as he gestured over to us. "Got your breath back?" Sherlock asked as I smiled. "Ready when you are." John said as he smiled as well. "Last one to the flat is a sore loser!" I said and started running before them. 

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