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     Birth has forever been a symbol of innocence. Babies are born free of the evilness that clings to every inch of the universe. They are not tainted with the dark stain of life yet. For the first few moments of their existence, they are clean.

     Silver Cassidy was born haunted.

    From her very first breath spirits consumed her entire life. Instead of her own mother's voice, the first thing Silver remembers hearing is the sick whispers and taunts of the dead.

     "Am I cursed Mummy?" she had asked. She was 6. It was the middle of the night, the child's rosy cheeks were wet with tears. It had been one of the first of many nightmares. "I was in the blue place again." she sniffled into her mother's chest.

     "It's okay my little moon. You are safe now." her mother replied. Her slender fingers glided over the girl's hair. "You are not cursed my love. I would never, ever let something like that happen to you."

     Silver remembers looking up into her mother's eyes, Mina Cassidy did not believe her own words.

     "Does Scarlett have what I have?" Silver whispered. They were twins, nothing about them have ever been different, not even socks.

     "No my moon. Scarlett does not." Mina said sadly. "You are different and special. And that is something you should never be afraid or ashamed of." she held her daughter close to her chest. Silver felt her mother's heartbeat, her breaths, felt her warm skin and the smell of raspberries from her hair.

     They stayed in that position until Silver drifted back into sleep. Mina had kissed her daughters head and went back into the room where her husband sat waiting.

     "Something is very wrong Pierce. She needs to see someone." Mina had felt the tears staining her cheeks. The moonlight illuminated her face as if she was an angel delivering the news of the heavens above. Her husband nodded. He had known for a long time. It was finally time to admit it.

     "I'll start looking tomorrow." he had said. "We will get her the help she needs."

     Mina made her way towards the bed and slid beneath the silk blanket. She curled up into her husbands arms. "Do you think it is because of him?" she asked in the quietest voice she had ever used. She asked like it was forbidden to, like she didn't want to know the answer. "What if she really is cursed?"

     "I don't know. We can only hope for the best." Pierce Cassidy had replied. "We'll get through this." he whispered into his wife's head, holding her just as she had to their daughter minutes prior.

     Outside the door a small girl sat with tears, it was Scarlett Cassidy.

     That was the last night of childhood for both Cassidy twins.

omg did i acutally write this. i have been making this book for 4 years and i decided that I wanna finish it before I start a real life. hope you enjoy :)))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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