Chapter 1

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This won't be a story for the light hearted and bubbly, so if that's what you're looking for.... Turn away now.

This is about a girl named Audrey, and she's had her share of hardships and demise. But she won't ever give up. Let's get started, shall we?

I'm running from some kids who got to my school, I'm gonna run out of steam before they do so I go into the woods and climb a tree. They tire and leave after throwing stick and rocks trying to get me to come down, obviously I'm not stupid enough to actually get down and let them beat me up. I stay in my tree and get a book and my old beat up phone and ear bud out of my bag and I read, crank some music and set up my makeshift hammock made from a sheet from a discount thrift shop.

Hi by the way I'm Audrey, I don't have a last name as I got kicked out of my house about a month ago. Why? Because I'm a "freak of nature". I can see people's wings, not I'm not joking or insane. I can actually see them. They show me a lot about a person's personality and how they treat others. For instance, the people chasing me, their wings were a poisonous greenish grey and had a mangled and sort of unkept look. That's how I knew they were bad news when I met them. My old family's wings were all different, my mothers were a glowing pink that radiated kindness and warmth, they were groomed and always wrapped around me when she hugged me. I knew she loved me. My fathers were a dull red and reminded me of the devils but less powerful and slightly less evil. His wings flared whenever I entered the same room, he didn't like me much. And when I finally told someone my secret expecting them to actually be ok with it, my mom's wings changed to the same as my dad's and they turned on me. I'm on my own now. I'm short, I have red hair that's usually in a beanie. I wear dark clothes and I'm not the thinnest.

They were the only people I've ever told and trusted and they destroyed my trust and diminished my self-esteem. But I've got my tree so I'm ok for the moment.

I've got to go to work the next morning. I sit up and stretch being careful not to fall as I'm like 10-15 feet up, one might think sleeping in a hammock would be bad for you, but I find its helped my back and I've slept better then when I had a bed! Anyway, I'm off to work. Since I generally have the opening shift I change in the bathroom and use the sink there to brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I open up the store. I work at a thrift shop called Uptown thrift! My boss lets me get things I need like clothes for half off because she knows my house problems, she doesn't know I got kicked out, but she knows they don't like me and I can't get them to buy me necessities. I know I should tell her I don't live with them, but I don't want her to think she's obligated to like offer me a place to stay or anything like that. I wouldn't take it anyway.... I'm actually ok with my little tree fort hammock living situation for the moment.

The manager comes in (my boss) she asks if I had any trouble and if the night cleaning crew messed anything up, I tell her no and we continue our day.

*time skip*

It's time for my shift to be over, I head next door to sonic and get a drink and a grilled cheese as its now happy hour. For the rest of this sunny Saturday, I shall be at the library getting homework done and then ill head back to my tree and see if I need any clothes. Tomorrow if I happen to need any I can go hunt through the new shipment of donations. Oh, I want to mention that my boss's wings are a light happy green color and they give a sense off freedom and love towards those around her. Her name is Nicole she has emerald green hair and a short stature. She's really great. She's like a second mother to me, but I haven't told her anything about my ability. I don't want to see her change and turn on me too.

While I'm at the library, one of my class mates is there too. His name is Alek, his wings are a light grey and have a timid aura. He happens to be the only one who will actually talk to me for some reason. I sit at his table. He has a black eye. I ask what happened, but he just looks up at me then beck down at his book, then he shrugs. "does it matter?" he asks. I answer, "Of course it does!" I'm going to kill whom ever hurt him, he's way to kind to have people doing this. "what do you think happened Audrey, the same thing that always happens." I'm boiling with anger. " who did it this time?" I ask trying to stay calm. "who do you think?" he asks. I immediately know it was his dad again. "drunk loser of a father?" I ask in a quite voice. He nods and puts his head down. He mumbles something, his wings drooping. "hmm" I hum in question. "I don't want to go home again; I'm scared he'll do it again." He whispers after picking up his head. His eyes look broken. I can see the hurt in him, and it sucks. "I'm so sorry this is going on." I say in a solemn whisper. He mumbles "its not your fault, please don't feel bad." I shake my head, "it's not your either, you don't deserve this." He smiles a small hopeless smile and thanks me for my

compassion, but he has to go now. He gets up and leaves. I get started on my homework.

Its Sunday and I climb out of my tree. I have all the clothes I need at the moment so there's no need to go to the thrift shop. But I do need some microwave meals for lunch this week so I head to the store.... where I see my 'parents'. I panic and walk the other way, but my mother sees me and calls my name; "Liz is that you? Come here now!" I stop at turn around slowly, I'm terrified. My father looks up and gasps "Elisabeth you need to come home now, if you do there won't be as bad of repercussions as If we have to come get you." I shake my head and turn around. I hear my mother running up behind me, she grabs my arm and pulls me back. "you listen here, you are coming home right now so we can get you some help. Seeing things isn't normal, but its ok we are going to fix you honey." I stop and turn around angerly "FIX ME, MOM I'm NOT BROKEN, I DON'T NEED 'FIXING', I'm NOT A TOY THAT'S BEEN DROPPED." I shout at her. She takes a step back, appalled but my 'outburst'. "ELISABETH AUDREY HARON YOU WILL COME HOME THIS INSTANT! I WILL NOT TOLORTATE ANY MORE OF YOUR SILLY GAMES." Silly games? Is that what she thinks this is... just me playing a game. I can't believe she thinks this is me faking for attention! "Do not call me that. My name is not Liz, or Elisabeth. My name is Audrey and I go by Audrey, please don't call me any other name than Audrey. My father is the one who answers, "we will call you by your name, the name we gave you as your first name. don't speak to your mother that way, we are going home. And you're coming with us." He grabs my arms and starts hauling me out the door. I'm fighting, kicking and making noise. Security stops us and asks what's going on. My father replies "My daughter ran away and I'm taking her home, we've missed her so much." My mother nods and looks sadly at the ground, shaking her head in fake dismay at the thought for her 'wonderful' daughter 'running' away. The officer looks at me I mouth "they're lying, please help me!" he raises his eyebrow and asks ME what's going on. "sir please make this man let me go, I didn't run away he kicked me out of his house and now he's trying to make me come back. I really don't want to, look at the bruises he is making on my arms!" I exclaim gesturing to my arms that are already bruising. He takes a look and says, "unhand he can't you see she doesn't want to go with you sir, I'm going to have to arrest you if you don't let her go, as she is clearly in pain." My father is beyond angry, his wings are flaring and flapping. The officer's wings are baby blue, I can tell he's a good person. The officer makes my 'parents' leave the store, but asks me to stay for questioning. Why would I need to be questioned? Maybe its for the better so they can leave before I do and can't catch me in the parking lot. I thing to myself. I follow the officer to his office and sit in the designated chair. 

A/N Hi, I hope you liked the first chapter! I hope to upload  every week, but we shall see. please comment any corrections or suggestions you may have, I will read every comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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