Chapter 9

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Louis came to Bradford to help Zayn with art gallery work. Zayn and Louis designed the interiors of art gallery together. Liam was always there to support him. Zayn was so happy that everything was going on according to his terms. Time passed and gallery was ready.

Zayn and Liam were going back home after completing the work at the gallery. "What's wrong?" Liam asked as soon as he saw tears in raven haired boy's eyes.

"Nothing, these are just happy tears" he said removing tears from his eyes but Liam was not convinced. " Zayn, I know something is bothering you. Tell me Zayn"

Zayn took a long breath and said, "It's not like I don't miss him. You know sometimes at night...I feel like I am plunging thousands of feet below and I wake up suddenly"

Liam suddenly stopped his car upon hearing this. "Liam, what happened?" Zayn asked him but he didn't answered, he just backed is car in reverse order. "Liam" Zayn said little frantically to get his attention. He got out of his car after parking it at the side of the road and went to open Zayn's door. He signalled him to get out of the car. Zayn was confused about what the hell Liam wanted. Liam grabbed Zayn's hand and started walking towards the end of the road.

"Whenever you are scared of anything in life...then you must face it. Fear is itself a coward, if you stare directly in its eye, it runs away" Liam said running towards the end taking Zayn along with him. Zayn was still confused of Liam's intentions but still he went along with it. After reaching the edge, he jumped of the cliff taking Zayn along with him.

"Ahh..Liam" Zayn yelled as they both fell off the cliff into the water below together. Zayn frantically started moving his legs and hands to come above the surface of the water. Liam then grabbed his waist and brought him above the surface. Zayn was panting heavily.

Liam brought his hands towards his cheeks and stroked in calming manner. "Calm down Zee, everything is fine. See". Zayn looked around himself and saw that he was indeed safe in Liam's hands. They both got lost in each other's eyes surrounded by the calmness of water. The only thing they heard was their heavy breathing and their fast heartbeats.

Liam's gaze fell on Zayn's pink plump lips. He wanted to taste those lips so bad. He started leaning towards him. Zayn also started leaning towards him and within seconds their lips collided. Zayn moaned in the kiss as Liam bit his lower lip. They stopped kissing as they were out of breath. " I wanted to this for a long time" Liam said and hugged Zayn tightly. Zayn couldn't stop smiling at that.

 Somewhere in Scotland a person woke up after being in coma for 1 year. His family members were than informed about his situation.

"Sometimes you know people have woken up from coma and they loses their memory. So.. Waliyha was stopped mid sentence by Trisha. "Harry is fine. Anne said that the doctor was not speaking English but he said that Haz is fine and is coming back to Bradford".

Zayn's whole family were on their way to the airport. Robin, Anne, Liam and Zayn were already at the airport.

"He sounded okay on the phone. He was saying he often forgets few things, but don't worry he'll be fine" Robin said to Liam with tears in his eyes but with a smile on his face. Robin and Anne were so happy that his only son is back from dead. "God bless that doctor. She was saying that someone found him in some small river"Robin continued. Liam just nodded and gave a small smile in response.

Liam was the first one to notice Harry from far. He was coming down the escalator wearing black t-shirt and black jeans. As soon as he saw Harry he discretely left from the scene. Robin was the next one to notice Harry and Harry also noticed him and he came running towards him. He hugged his mom and dad."How are you?" he asked both of them. "We are fine now as you are back" Anne said giving a kiss on his cheeks. He then gave a hug to Yaser and Trisha. "Where is Zayn?" he asked them. Trisha pointed towards where Zayn was sitting with his sisters. He was crying on Doniya's shoulder. Harry's heart broke at the sight. 

"Zayn" Harry called him. Zayn flinched at the voice but didn't looked back at Harry. Doniya, Waliyha and Safaa left Zayn and Harry alone. "Zee, look at me" Harry tried again by nudging his shoulders. Zayn suddenly stood up and gave a slap on his cheeks and started punching his chest."Why did you do this?" Zayn said crying. Harry stopped him by grabbing his wrists and pulled him in a tight hug. "I am so sorry Zee" Harry said rubbing his back. Harry also had tears in his eyes.

"One more" Liam said to the bartender. "Sir you are already so drunk". "Just give me the fucking drink" Liam said banging the counter. Bartender got scared and gave him the drink.

Hey guys here is the 9th chapter. I hope my story is not boring to you. Feeedbacks are welcome here so please feel free to comment and don't forget to vote. mindofzarrystylik thanks for typing the you loads babe!!


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