The Blow Out

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Some said that this life was the only one we've got so live it up. What if you're stopped from living it up or even stomped into the ground for even thinking about living it up. Some would say,
"Oh. That's sad." What if it wasn't you who was stopped, what if you saw it happen from day to day. That was the question I asked myself every day. However, let's not jump ahead and start from the beginning.

Life seemed to be only a word when my parents met my mother was a soon to be corporate lawyer and my father a mechanic for the moment until he got enough money to get his first car. So he too could finish his dream of working behind a desk as a part time lawyer but, more of a district attorney.

My parents 'met in high school sophomore year and were inseparable from that day on. They'd do any and everything together and made it a rule to have dinner every night and when they had children that they would continue that tradition. And that was and is still so today. My parent's decided to take everything slow, until they're careers took off I was a figment of their imaginations. Until two years later both of my parents' at age 32 even I was conceived unexpectedly.

I was born on August 2, 2000, a girl, named Azrael Jessica Johnson. My parents' were surprised and yet in love with me the moment they saw me. I grew on them each day even though I wasn't planned. When I grew as did my parents' I grew wiser and they apart which was blind to my eyes. It wasn't until after my eighth birthday that I saw they were growing apart.

I came home from school, and both my parents' were in the kitchen talking what seemed rather loud to my young ears, that didn't sound so inviting in my mind.

Still I walked into the house, happy as can be running straight into the kitchen. I smiled at my parents', who didn't even glance my way until I shouted,
"MOMMY, DADDY I'm home!!!!".

My father quickly glanced at me,
"A.J go to your room, mommy and daddy are talking." Defeated I stood there knowing this isn't the same daddy who says hi to me every day after school, and helps me with my homework.

I stood there confused and unaware of the situation. He looked at me and repeated,
"I said go to your room!"

For the first time ever, my father raised his voice at me in a different way and I'd done nothing wrong. I was confused. My mother looked at me her eye's cloudy like the sky full of rain an repeated my father calmly,
"Sweetie, just go to your room please." My father looked at her like I've never seen, and turned to her,
"Did I ask you to talk? You're at fault here," he said before a swift movement of his hand brought my mother to her knees, he continued," huh did I," he paused waiting for a response and said," She's my child too and I can tell her to do what I want to just fine." I looked up at him terrified and shaken. He took a step toward me across the island and I ran for my room afraid that I was next. I closed my door, quickly and grabbed my teddy and ran for the safety of my closet I called a spaceship.

I sat there while I heard my father begin yelling again and my mother's cries get louder. I covered my ears trying to drown out the confusion that I was feeling. It went on for what seemed like forever. I soon drifted from all the tears I shed. I was unaware of my father coming in and picking me up and bringing me down stairs. In his arms I couldn't tell where I was going or not even what was going on.

My mother saw him carrying me outside, she stopped him,
"Where do you think you're going with my child?" My father looked at her with fire in his eyes and said," Your child? Since when was she just yours, last time I checked my sperm fertilized this egg thats dreaming in my arms. You made your choice very clear to the both of us, and I too have a say in what she sees and where she goes. This evening and whatever else you've been doing with her isn't even something I want her to remember." He continued walking toward the door and, she stops him again. She spoke in a stern but very loud voice she spoke," WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TAKING MY BABY!!" I moved softly in his arms as if beginning to awake from my slumber. My father pushed her aside with his shoulder and said quietly through his teeth," If you wake her up and she sees you, so help me, her name isn't the only one you'll be calling on. You've done enough now, MOVE,"he seethed.
She stepped aside tears swelling in her eyes, and allowed him to pass with me in his arms.

He walked to the door, opened it, an walked out with me. Not noticing that I dropped teddy on the living room floor before he closed the door. He slowly walked over to the car with me and opened the back door. He laid me down softly an put the middle seatbelt on me, walked over to the other side climbed into the driver's seat. My father sighed to myself, an pulled out of the driveway. He sped off down the road as my mother watched from a nearby window.

I don't know here exactly where I was taken but I know it was out of my environment. Seconds turned into minutes, and then hours had passed before my father finally came to a stop. He parked the car and pulled me out of his four door truck and carried me to the front door. He knocked gently trying to hold me up at the same time. Until a man about the same age answered the door, the man looked at my father.

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