Chapter 1

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Today you mine and bash's friendship anniversary, we were going swimming his idea of course "oh how i hate swimming" i thought to myself as i stomped around the room grabbing the bits and pieces i'd need for the pool and the worst part was i was going to have my sexy idiot of a best friend topless.

An hour later i was driving the car with Sebastian in the front passenger seat singing dreadfully along to the song fireflies of the radio "I like to make myself believe" he sang happily bobbing up and down in time to the beat i groaned wishing i could shove a sock in his mouth. I didn't actually realise that i had pulled in to the local leisure centre until bash chirped "We're here" i huffed as i pulled myself out the car "why couldn't we just stay in and play video games like we do every year? as much as i love seeing you topless i don't really fell like swimming" I took my brain about thirty seconds to actually realise what i'd just said before i looked around desperately hoping he hadn't heard but it was to late his head snapped round and his amazing eyes started point blank into the middle of mine.

"Lee Lee pleasee i want to swim" bash wained pouting cutely and his eyes so big they looked as if they would pop from his head, he was wearing a pair of dark red trunks with the word lifeguard written up the sides, and his hair styled messily. He had my arm in the strong grip of his hand and unsuccessfully trying to drag me towards the pool, while he was attempting that dreadful task i had the punishment of the task to try to keep my eyes from drifting.

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