Chapter 2:

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     I turned back around to finish watching the stump slowly burn to the ground. The thpught of them in that truck sickened me. Why would Volda do this to us? Why my family, why now? I wondered what could be going thr ough their heads, what if we die, what if Volda finds Jila, what if, what if, what if?

      Then I remembered. My friend Galen! He went through the same last year! He is determined to get his family back. I went to see if we could team up to get both our families back.

      I saved what I could from the ashes, Annabeth's teddy bear, Mom's magic staff, a backpack,  and a couple dollars. I threw everything in the bag and headed for town square. My bare feet hit the cobblestone streets hard.

Thud, thud, thud.

      Owe! I thought. My pajamas are a little to big, so I bought a new outfit and some fresh elvish bread from the bakery with the money I saved. I sliced a piece bread as soon as I got back to my stump. It was still warm. As soon as I finished I set out the long journey to the northern part of Enchanta to see Galen.



      It was almost midnight now. As I slowly dragged on, I heard something in the woods.

      crunch, Crunch, CRUNCH!

      The sound of crunching leaves grew louder, and louder, and louder. I ran behind a tree and grabbed my mom's magic staff. I froze as I heard it.

Huh huff, huh huff, huh huff!

      I realized what it was. It was an ogre! I slowly stepped out from behind the tree and took my place to fight.

      "Who are you?" Asked the ogre.

      "I'm Jila." I replied

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