Chapter 1:

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      "Ahh!" I will never forget that day. It was a crisp saturday morning. I was sleeping in my stump, all is well. Until they came. They woke me up, they took my family, they almost took my life.

      I was trying to sleep in. It was quiet, almost too guiet though. As I woke to see what was going on, I heard a scream. I ran out to see what was wrong and there they were. A clan of Relaxors were there taking my family! I wanted to scream but nothing came out. I stood there frozen as I watched my stump burn. The Relaxors must have set it on fire. It scared me for life.

      They only come once a year to choose one family to go to Volda's place. I've only heard that it was a terrible place. No more. No wants to talk about it. Years and years ago, our nation of Enchanta was a beautiful, wonderful place to live, until she came. Volda. A witch from the north.

      She came when we were weak. We just won our independence from the humans. Elf country forever! Well that all changed when an evil witch and her army came and took us over.

      Well at least thats what my parents told me. When I turned fifteen they said I was ready to hear the truth at why what was happening was happening. My friend Liza's family was just taken from her.

      "What happened Liza?" I asked.

      "Jila, I don't want to talk about. See you later." She sadly replied.

      The next day I asked my friend, Espint, what happened to her family and she exclaimed, "They are on a vacation,  for a while." She started to sob. I didn't understand.  I didn't get it. Then they told me. It stuck ever since. So every time one of my friend's family went missing I didn't say a word.

      My sister Annabeth, didn't know either. Now that they are gone, my parents can explain what is going on. Dosen't matter though, there is no way she can avoide it.

      The thought of them in that truck, driving away, sickins me. I wish I would have at least been there with them. I slowly turned around and watched y he truck drive farther and farther away, and away, and gone.

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