Chapter 20

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"Jade, I said, I'm sorry. I should have told you, but you didn't tell me either that you had magic powers." I say, running a hand through my brown hair.

"Well, I didn't want to freak you out. You wouldn't have believed me." she says.

We're sitting at the bleachers. The sun is surprisingly shining. I wouldn't have expected that since it's already October. The fallen brown leaves move around as a chilly wind kicks off. A big cloud hides the sun. There it is, the usual gloomy Doncaster. The whole atmosphere fits my inner world. I sigh and turn to my friend.

"It's ok, I guess. We both held secrets from each other. We're even. Let's forget about it."

She smiles broadly and hugs me tightly.

"I've missed you so much, Em. I mean, it's been days since I last saw you and as you told me a lot of things happened." she winks.

"You don't understand, Jade." I stand up from my position. "It's not that easy...It's not easy to see the hurt in his eyes. But I don't want to hurt Liam. He's sweet, caring and protective. He respects me, he loves me. Truly. And then there's him. He's unpredictable and dangerous and too freaking frustrating. But something draws me towards him. Even though my head screams at me to stay away from him, I can't."

"Em, try to think straight. Haven't you seen him? He flirts with every single female and he feeds on people, he kills them. How do you know that he isn't playing with you? He'll just use you and then kill you!" she says.

"No, Louis wouldn't do that!" I shout.

"Oh, really?" she asks frustrated.

Jade opens her brown shoulder bag, takes out a newspaper and hands it to me. The first page reads; 'BODIES FOUND NEAR BRODSWORTH HALL'. I continue reading under the picture. "Last night eight people were found dead near the building... completely drained of blood... severe injuries on neck... animal attack." I mumble.

"It was Louis." my friend says.

A drop falls on my cheek. I reflexively look at the sky. More clouds have made their appearance. The sky is grey, the wind freezes my arms. More small drops of rain fall on the concrete. I take a deep breath. An unbearable pain at my heart makes my breathing harder. I grasp my shoulder bag harder and look at the ground. How can I be in love with a killer? A person who doesn't feel compassion and loves nobody but himself? I'm stupid. I fell into his trap. I fell for him.

Maybe Jade is right. Liam is perfect for me.

"Liam's coming." she breathes.

Speak of the witch.

How ironic.

"Hey. Are you ok?" he says when he reaches us.

"Hey." Liam immediately wraps an arm around me and places a soft kiss on my lips. It's not rushed, it's full of passion. His lips taste of green tea.

"Emily, I need to talk to you." he says.

"What about?"

"Louis." I almost choke. Could he possibly have heard?

"What about him?" I try to sound cool.

"He... he turned it off." his voice is full of worry and despair. Jade tenses beside me.

"What do you mean he turned it off? He turned off what?" I ask. More drops fall.

"He turned off some off his emotions. He doesn't have certain feelings."

The Vampire Diaries // Louis Tomlinson & Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now