seven ; make the angel fly

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( i double uploaded today bc i love y'all 💘 )

The two boys exchanged worried glances as his nanny left to attend to whatever she needed to be doing. Jaemin knocked lightly waiting for Renjun to answer. There was some shuffling before Renjun spoke up, "I don't want cookies right now, Nan." He said. His voice was loud enough for them to hear but it was weak and unhappy. It melted both their hearts, they didn't want to see or hear Renjun upset. He should be happy at all times.

"It's Jaemin and Jeno.," Jeno spoke. There was some more shuffling.

"Really?" He questions, his voice cracking. Jeno gave a little hum to which he could hear a little relieved giggle. There was a bit more shuffling and then footsteps until the door opened.

Renjun stood there with a little smile as his eyes laid on the two boys who'd come to visit. "Hey..." He says quietly. Jaemin and Jeno smiled down at him, greeting him back. Renjun's eyes were red and puffy but he looked happy. They were surprised that their presence could change the small boy's mood so much but they were thankful to have that effect.

He let them into his room, the two sitting on his unneeded large bed that was coated in tan silk bedsheets. The small boy with a pink silk pajama set, drying his tears with the tissues from a tissue box on his bed.

"Why were you crying?" Jaemin asks, his voice laced in worry. The youngest boy taking hold of Renjun's hand, pulling him into a hug. Renjun's eyes widened as he felt Jaemin's head lay on his chest, hugging him while sitting down.  He hesitated before hugging him back, his hands running gently through the other's hair.

He glanced at Jeno, who was smiling happily at the interaction. "It gets lonely here..." He says quietly. Jeno let out a soft sigh as he stood. He trailed behind Renjun before wrapping his arms around him, his arms just above Jaemin's, enveloping Renjun in a back hug while Jaemin hugged him from the front.

Renjun's heartbeat increased, his thoughts running around his brain. He was lovestruck as the two handsome boys showed him such affection. He wanted to feel this forever.

"You wouldn't be alone if you reached out to us." Jeno whispers, Jaemin giving him a smile.

"Let us know when your feeling sad, we can't have that, mhm?" Jaemin tells him. Renjun nods, smiling down at him softly. Jeno and Jaemin exchanged yet another look, which concerned Renjun.

Jaemin gave a smirk as he saw Renjun's concern. The smallest boy's breathed hitched as he felt Jeno leave little kisses on the side of his neck. "Should we make our little angel fly?" He asks Renjun, who nodded happily. Renjun did in fact feel himself fly that night.


( :D
lmao I'm sorry if i didn't
warn y'all this would happen
but I'm assuming you could have
guessed this would go this way )

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