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~ Part 1 ~

          "Morty. Morty! Breakfast!" Summer sighed, glaring at her brother's door she scoffed when he didn't respond. Heading downstairs, into the kitchen she crossed her arms scowling. "Mom, Morty isn't waking up." Beth finished chewing her food, looking up at her daughter she raised an eyebrow. Looking over at Rick he continued to eat not noticing her watching him.
"Jerry, get your son up." She suddenly said watching as Summer sat down before continuing to eat her food.
"But Beth,"
"Do it Jerry. He needs to eat." Jerry sighed. Turning off his tablet he got up and went to get his son grumbling all the way up the stairs. Standing up to his full height Jerry knocked on the door,
"Get up Morty. I won't tell you again." Placing his hands onto his hips he waited a few seconds before opening the door. Looking inside he stared at the bed with a frown. "Still asleep, huh?" Walking inside he tossed the blanket off, shocked he stared at the pillows on the bed. Walking back he looked around the room before rushing out. Looking in the other upstairs bedroom he nervously looked in the bathroom. Nowhere. Morty was just... Just gone.
"Oh no...Honey," rushing downstairs into the dinning room he watched Beth sigh putting down her fork in annoyance.
"Can you seriously not wake him up? Seriously Jerry," getting up she got Summers and Rick's attention.
"Nice job Jerry, good work." Rick said sarcastically with a smirk.
"Wh-what? No, Beth he's gone." Beth stoped moving and stared at Jerry with a mixed expression.. The three of them were looking at him by this point.
"What? Gone?" Beth suddenly smirked thinking Jerry was joking. Jerry frowned his concern no longer on Morty.
"Missing, yes. He is missing." Sighing Beth rushed upstairs to prove Jerry wrong. Looking in Morty's room she didn't notice the pillows right away. When she did notice she felt her stomach drop, her nerves began jumping around. Going around the house she called out his name her worry becoming more apparent when no signs of Morty showed. Going back to his room she stopped moving, feeling a cool breeze blowing through the room. Walking calmly, and fearfully to the window she noticed it was open. "Oh god, Dad get in the space ship!" Running down she spouted her orders to everyone. "Summer walk around town with your father, I'll go by car." Grabbing her keys everyone did as ordered, Jerry being the only one to bitch.
"Why do you get the car?"
"Damn it Jerry, your son is missing. Couldn't you be a little less selfish." Rick spouted angrily glaring at him, Beth and Summer glared as well.
"You don't have a right to speak!" He snidely responded to his father-in-law.
"JERRY! Our son is missing. Don't you start spouting bullshit. Now get outside and start looking! Or get out of this house and never come back!" Angry from her son missing she wasn't going to let Jerry walk all over them because he doesn't want to walk. She stomped her foot down and made the law. She rushed out of the house to her car, Rick scoffed at Jerry and went to his ship quickly. Summer dragged Jerry outside both of them splitting up to look for Morty.


          Beth sat at the couch waiting for the police to answer her call. Summer and Rick sat next to her. Rick seethed with hidden anger. He'd always been able to think of where his grandson was but today he couldn't figure it out. He went everywhere he suspected Morty to be at but he just wasn't. He even went to the school out of desperation. He wouldn't admit it but he was extremely worried by this point. Morty wan't one to get up and leave, he loves his family. Sitting back against the couch he opened his flask and took a long swig. Wiping his mouth with his sleeve he listened as the police answered the call. Beth stood up at this point.
"Hello, my son is missing. He ranaway and we can't find him. We've already looked everywhere."
"When did he go missing, Ma'am?" Beth looked at the clock,
"Possible earlier today."
"Ma'am what is your address and who is the missing person?"
"*gives address* My son, his name is Morty Smith. He's fourteen years old, he wears a yellow shirt and blue jeans. His hair is brown and eyes are a deep blue." Silence overcame the other side as the person entered the information into the computer.
"We will begin our search as soon as possible Ma'am. Do you have any ideas where he could have gone?" Giving her ideas, and the places they searched, they hung up. Beth put her face in her hands.
"Why would Morty want to runaway."
"Maybe he got mad?" Summer said crossing her arms. "He's just being a brat. Like, who leaves their family without telling anyone. Some brat, really."
"Summer, not helping." Jerry said put his arms out. Summer shrugged.
"Why aren't you saying anything grandpa. You're the smart one here."
"Yeah," Jerry put his arms on his hips jumping onto the "blame train" Summer put out. "If you're so smart why didn't you find him?" Rick glared at them about to give a smart ass comment but Beth interrupted.
"OUR SON IS MISSING AND ALL YOU JACKASSES WANT TO DO IS FIGHT?" She glared at all of them. "Damn you all!" Walking away she went outside slamming the door hard.
"Nice one Jerry. Smooth moves." Rick snapped drinking some more booze. Getting up from the couch Jerry glared at Rick before stomping off into his man den. Scoffing once more Rick drank some more. He and Summer sat in silence for what felt like ever. It felt so weird for them to not have Morty there. Even if he said stupid things, and made idiotic remarks, he is still a ball of fun to be around.

          "Why do you think he ran away, Grandpa Rick?" Rick shrugged his shoulders, putting his flask away he got up from the couch, Summer followed. "We're not done looking, are we?" She questioned following him to the garage.
"No. No we're not Summer." Getting into the spaceship Summer got in next to him. Inside Rick felt his gut toss and turn. Something must have happened to Morty, sometime between school of yesterday up until now. Something happened.

~ Hewwo, Sorry for any grammar issues or any problems with getting the characters straight. I am going to hope that this becomes a good story but we shall see. Thank you for reading and I'm extremely grateful for any helpful tips or any support over the comments as possible. :3 ~

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