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~ Part 4 ~

Beth held Morty's hand in her own, his hand was so small, so frail. Just like him. He always was a frail boy, even as a baby he was so small and cute. Growing up he was happy though silent. It wasn't until Rick surprised her and came home that life began to change for Morty. His interest in Morty worried her at first but when they began to hang out Morty became responsive. Watching him and Morty grow closer together made her happy, not including her son was talking and laughing! She couldn't believe how much he progressed just by being with Rick. Their relationship grew into a strong one, both of them relying, practically needing, one another. Up to this day, with all the fights they get in Beth knows that they will make it up and still rely on one another. She also understands that right now Morty needs Rick to find the one responsible for hurting him.
"Mrs. Smith?" Taken out of her thoughts she looked up at the doctor. The grim expression scent a chill down her back. Getting up she looked at the doctor,
"May we please talk outside of the room?" Beth asked, pointing at her sleeping daughter and husband. The doctor nodded leaving the door open for Beth to exit, heading into another secluded room the doctor looked at Beth.
"Mrs. Smith I would like to discuss somethings about Morty. I understand this is hard for you, and your family, and it has only been a night but a lot of things need to happen if he is to ever be," she stopped talking seeming to try and think of what words to use. Beth looked at the shorter doctor, looking for some sort of solace. "Normal, again." The doctor finished.
"What are you talking about, my son is VERY normal." The doctor nodded her head,
"I understand Mrs. Smith but he will not be normal if we leave him in the condition he is currently in."
"Just spit it out dammit! Don't be careful, I want the honest truth, not be careful with words." Beth snapped exhausted and tired of formalities. Perturbed by Beth's rudeness the doctor spoke in a cool, careful tone.
"Mrs. Smith if we do not remove the bullet he will have a seventy-eight percent chance of become a paraplegic. Not including he could wake up with brain injures, worse case scenario, he could become a vegetable. Mrs. Smith the surgery is extremely dangerous to perform, if complications occur then he will become a paraplegic, and by that point we will not be able to save his body. As for his mind we will not be able to tell until we can examine him more. I can't perform these test until you give permission, I want you to understand the negative things that can come of the surgery, in case complications occur." Beth was shocked by the information, in fact she was debating about not having them perform the surgery. To know that her son could become a paraplegic. Angry, hurt, lost, she felt so confused and so unsure. But, she knew what has to be done, she understands that the negative affects of surgery will last forever but she also understands that the risk are needed if her son is to continue his normal life style. Before she regretted what she would say she said,
"Do it. I give you permission. Just go... please, give me a few minutes." The doctor softly sighed, her shoulders relaxed the anticipation leaving her body.
"We will discuss the procedures when you're ready." While the doctor left Beth covered her mouth. This wasn't suppose to happen, this isn't what she expected but who really expects this type of scenario. Crying into her hands she curled up on the chair just remembering her stubborn son. He isn't the best child, she wouldn't lie, he isn't the brightest or the smartest but he's her son. He's a light in her life, just like Summer. She isn't the greatest mother, she certainly wouldn't win any rewards but her dysfunctional family is important to her. Her stupid, selfish husband, her idiot son, selfish daughter and her insanely intelligent bastard of a father. They're her family, her happy, dysfunctional family! Sniffling she tried to control herself. Everyone else is still there, Morty is alive. That's what matters. Now, as his mother she has a job and that job is to love her son and try her best to make his future as bright as she can. Getting up from her seat she wiped her tears away and fixed her clothing and hair as best as she could. Finding the doctor waiting patiently outside the room she frowned but began to question the procedures following the doctor to sign papers and discuss the events to come.


Staring at the chalk outline on the ground Rick watched as it began to smudge. The rain poured heavily giving a dark atmosphere to the area. Walking past the caution tape he moved onto the scene. Going from area to area Rick expected the largest evidence was already taken in by the police. This meant he was looking for the fine details, the smaller evidence detectives miss. Rick scoffed, 'detectives are pretensions dumb-asses wearing badges who think they're high and mighty. They get rewards and save people but they're slow as fuck. Too fucking slow' Rick walked through the wet grass his shoes soaked, his clothing clung to his body but he didn't care. Walking around the area he entered the broken houses, finding nothing unusual until he came to the house Morty was kept in. The scent of blood soaked the air, droplets of water hit the ground breaking the eerie silence. Walking into what was once a livingroom Rick stopped and stared at a chair that rested in the middle of the room. Morty's blood stained the chair and rope that rested on the floor. It didn't surprise Rick that they left the rope at the crime scene, really nothing the idiots did surprised him. Moving towards it Rick stopped when he spotted a small pile of hair on the floor. Kneeling down to it Rick pulled out a small flashlight from his pocket. Shinning it on the pile he noted that it was straight, unlike Morty's, and black. Looking at it some more Rick processed some people in mind, already having an idea of who the culprit is. Still, he wants more evidence to solidify his thoughts before judging and being wrong, which he is rarely ever wrong. Grabbing a small kit out of his pocket, he got tweezers and a plastic bag. Rick then picked up the hair with the tweezers and put into the bag, before using a portal to get back to the garage. Finding small items in a box of loose tools, Jerry never used them, Rick built a DNA detector. Pulling out an old computer monitor he plugged it up, hacked into criminal files, he plugged his new device into the computer using a phone charger. From there he placed the hair follicles into his DNA detector. Watching the faces move on the screen he watched as a small counter at the bottom raised in percentage until finally, finally he saw the criminals face. Rick felt hatred like none other, a searing anger deep within his gut. Smirking he looked at the face on the screen, opening his phone he called Summer.
"Hey, what's up?" He listened to a groggy Summer speak in a mumbled tone as she woke up slowly.
"I found out who hurt Morty." Listening to sounds on the other end he heard a door click and her breath becoming heavy and fast. She was obviously running to get to the front doors of the hospital. He waited until she asked,
"Who? Who the fuck did it?"
"Why not ask an old friend, he'll know." Summer went silent for a moment.
"The Devil, that fucker! Come get me Grandpa Rick. I know where he is. I know where that fucking bastard lives."

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