Chapter Eight:

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Idk why but I literally finished this chapter like a month ago maybe I thought I posted it idk than I looked at meh story and I was like DRAFT I Published that. But 😅 hey here we go enjoy.

Todoroki POV

Previous chapter

"I closed the door then walked to Midoriyas address.

As I knocked on the door I was greeted by none other than...."

Current Chapter

As I knocked on the door I was greeted by none other than Bakugou Katsuki.

He opened the door, at first he looked confused, then he went back to his usual scowl he then looked down, I don't know why it could've been in rage, or something. But then he stepped outside and closed the door.

"Fucking icy hot what are you doing here!" He growled somewhat lightly most likely he didn't want the others inside to hear.

"I should be asking you that" I stated

"Dumbass I actually have a fucking chance with him, our parents are friends"

"Who's him"

"Shut the hell up I know you having fucking feelings for Deku"

"And what is wrong with that"

"You obviously have feelings for Izuku"

He quickly grabbed my collar and brought me to his face. I however smacked his hand away before he could say anything.

"Have some decency I don't beileve that is how you treat a guest is it"

"Why you-"

Just then the door opened and Izuku was there with a somewhat nervous smile.

"Kacchan are you okay you've been outside for a while-oh hi Shoto"

Bakugou then passed over Izuku then after he was behind Izuku he quickly gave me a glare. Then turned back around.

"Sorry about him, he was fine just a few seconds ago here why don't you come inside"

I nodded my head silently

"Sorry to intrude I hope I'm not bothering anything"

"Oh its perfectly fine sorry I forgot to mention that Kacchan was gonna be here, his family sometimes joins us"

I then was led to the kitchen where I had seen what looked like Bakugou (haha it's bakugous mom) with I beileve Izukus mother, they then turned around at the voice of Izuku.

I noticed that who I thought was Bakugou was a female, possibly his sister, I then went to Izuku and whispered in his ear

"is that Bakugous sisters"

Izuku whispered back to me

"no that's his mother but I can see where you can get confused"


"Hello, you must be Todoroki, it's nice to meet you"

Midoriyas mother said to me with a closed eye smile.

"The pleasure is all mine Ms:Midoriya"

"Please call me Inko"

Then Bakugous mother looked at me.

"Is there something wrong ma'am"

"Well, I saw you in the sports festival, and I got to say you look even better in person" she said with a smile

"That is awfully nice of you Mrs:Bakugou"

"Well we're still making the food you can join Katsuki and my son in the living room"

Inko said

"You heard that right Katsuki!"

Mrs:Bakugou said

"Yeah I heard you, you hag stop nagging" Bakugou replied back.

"Are you sure there is nothing I can do to help"

I asked Inko

While in the background Bakugou and his mother fought.

"I'm positive, let us treat you after all you are our guest" she replied with a big smile

"Well I'm gonna go to my room for a bit Shoto you can go to the living room"

Midoriya said


I walked to the living room Bakugous mother had already returned back to cooking, on the TV was just the News.

I could feel a pair of eyes on me with murderous intent I already knew who it was, I turned my head to face him.

"Is there something you need Bakugou" I asked

"Does it look like I fucking need soemthing" he replied

I sighed "is it about the conversation  we were having"

"Nani, it's more than that"

(You know what I'm talking about, that sexy nani he does)

"Then what is it about"

"Dumbass, you really want me to say it, when everyone is around"

"Oh, sorry, what exactly is wrong with it"

He sighs

"You're so full of shit, we'll  talk about it later"

"Kacchan, Shoto the food is ready" Midoriya said

Bakugou stands up and goes over to the table with a grunt, and sits down next to Midoriya, I stand up and walk over to the table and also sits next to him.

The food was brought to the table, and started conversation while eating food, at first it was just about school, hows it been, anything interesting, then it somehow down spiraled to Bakugou and his mother arguing and Inko asking about his love life, it was actually fun, I gave a small smile.

It's been awhile  since I felt like this, Midoriya has done so much for me, I love him.

Then Bakugou and his mother stopped fighting, and Inko looked at me and Bakugou and asked.

"Todoroki, Katsuki what about you, is there anyone who has caught your eye"

"Oh I'm curious about this" Mrs:Bakugou said

I was shocked I wasn't  expecting this I looked at Bakugou to see him losing his cool, Midoriya looked at both of us with his big innocent eyes which didn't help.

Bakugou was a flushed red

"I don't have anyone in mind"

He said trying to be calm

"Oh my" Inko said

"My little Katsuki loves someone" Mrs Bakugou said

"K-kachan loves someone?"

"Shut up you old hag" He shouted

The two began fighting again.

"And as for you Todoroki" Inko asked

"Uhm I don't believe anyone comes to mind" I said calmly

"Hmm well I would gladly let you have my son" she said

"M-mom w-what are you saying" Midoriya said flushed, he tried hiding his face with his arms.


I didn't exactly know what to say, I certainly  wasn't expecting this whenever I had agreed to coming.

I then looked over to Bakugou and his mother and she slapped his neck, and looked over at us.

"Sorry you had to see that" she apologized

"It is quite alright, though you haven't done anything wrong" I replied

We then began cleaning the plates and all headed to the living room.

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