Chapter two "Forgotten to remember"

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Two gun shots aimed at me went off...but I found my self hitting the ground wait what I thought as I looked at him.

"Ricky! What's going-" I grabbed my head in pain another raging headache, then it all clicked together. "Dame you Ricky that's the last time you do that!" I yelled getting up.

"I missed you too now get dressed our job is almost done," he said tossing me my black uniform with my medal claws as a weapon.

"Yeah of course there was no was just your stupid plan of catching a criminal the regular police can't and won't be able to handle, I can't believe I got drunk and acted like an idiot and you used your dame hypnosis on me again!" I yelled putting on my weapons.

"Good you remember what we do, but do you remember why we do it?" He asked looking over his shoulder glaring at me with one eye.

"To find her yeah I remember, but really if your gonna throw that persona in a 16 year old male why not do it to yourself who's the same age?" I asked

"One needed to lead her in, when you get drunk you're a real charmer so I let you have all the fun, be lucky." He said as we found ourselves arguing out side.

"This sucks we have a report to do and were out here cleaning up scum," I said cracking my neck.

"I don't care about that I need to find her I won't die until I find her and put a bullet in her head myself." He was getting angry now I could tell by his town.

"Hey come on if the cops find two teenage boys with weapons well have some trouble on on plates let's get home we have... school." I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah your right I guess, let's get home."

We kept are weapons tucked at all times we always were together he carried guns anything that can be shot was his ordeal, I on the other hand stuck to close combat weapons my favorite the tiger claws. Everyone whispered about us we were the talk of the school from our hair on our head to our feet we're the opposite. He had long black silky hair with a gallant smile, that was only a facade when it came to school me on the other hand I had short rough white hair I wore black and he wore white kinda ironic now that I thought about it as we walked down the hall to the cafeteria.

"Um Ricky I was wondering-" the brown haired brown eyed girl stopped as Ricky turned to him.

"Sorry, I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment I have a lot on my plate." He said it so kindly it made me sick, but I just ate my crapy cafeteria food. She slowly put her head down and walked away to a group of girls who consulted her I nearly busted with laughter.

"The heard protecting its lamb it's funny." He said as he got up "Are you coming?" He asked as he turned.

"Yeah yeah," I said getting up. I took a step and heard a yell.

"The gay Ricky turning down another girl what's the matter is she, let alone, no one your type!" A girl yelled as she got up from the table walking up to him. "Or is it that you like-" Ricky was in her ear and now was whispering something I couldn't hear. The next thing I know the random girl's knees started to quiver, Ricky used his left hand to pick her up from facing the ground; he smiled then walked off. "The prez wants to meet," Ricky said walking away. I've forgotten how scary Ricky is when he's angry, but I guess that'll happen when you've forgotten how to remember, I thought as I caught up to him.

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