Chapter 5 "The end to a new beginning"

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I smiled and place my hand on top of his which emitted a black lite, we both were surrounded by black and white lite floating up into the air, until we dropped towards the ground combined into one. I had long white hair with a black patch on it my clothes were black and white in one hand I had a pistol the other my tiger claw.

"Its time to finish this!" I yelled as I charged at her with great speed taking out any enemy in my way.

"My my I see you have quite the-"

"Save it sis I'm done talking let's finish this," I yelled shooting my gun while going in to attack. She took the three bullets and blocked my attack with a Crystal sword. i jumped back and shot three more bullets one grazed her right shoulder, i went in for the kill "This is the end!" i yelled going for the final blow, but i was stabbed in the back.

"Oh how rude of me i forgot to introduce you to my right hand man, he was a little late, but he is my night in shining armor," she said as she rubbed her hand under my chin. "Sweet dreams brother," as she said that the sword was ripped out, i found myself looking at the ground bleeding to death it grew dark until i was surround by darkness.

I found my self laying on crystal blue water, Ricky stood there angry clenching his fist, "We couldn't do it we lost and now we were killed, damn it just-" hands came out the water and grabbed us, the sky started to turn red and so did the water.

"Ricky there's one way to get out of here we've done it before, we need to fight this and win we were separated and now we need to become one like before this all started...the first time we ever died, you got it?" i asked forcing my way towards him.

"I...give up...i lost." His words sent a shock through my body i became angry.

"You give up? there is no way in hell I'm gonna let you give up you sorry prick, I'm gonna take you back inside me if i have to now get your ass up and lets finish this right now!" i yelled gripping his hand and pulling him up, "Let us become one this time and stay that way!" the red disappeared in a burst, his chest grew white, mine black we were fusing mind sole and body back into the original.

i smiled i knowing this day would come it was only a matter of time, I'm glad i was separated i got to feel real things, i remember when i first came out i was his total opposite. I cant believe it was coming down to this. I opened my eyes and energy spew from my body straight up to the air, i smiled this power iv'e never felt before i was one now.

"I thought i killed you Ricky...wait this power just who are you?" my sister asked as she turned around and cringed at me.

"I'm the one who will kill you, your brother Jake. Prepare I'm not the same person you once knew...prez and all of you get out of here this is my battle and i plan to finish it," i said as my wounds healed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2015 ⏰

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