Chapter 1

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My mom's name is Elizabeth and my father's name is Curtis. They have me moderately-like you would except a well raised child to act-, I say please & thank you before and after receiving something. I open doors for the people behind me and I help elderly people carry items to their cars. My mother and father are both never really home any more since they divorced. My mom- always on business trips far away- My father-out doing who knows what and who knows where- he only stops every once and a while to visit, but mostly to pay for my child care, same with my brother.

The bell rung and the sounds of chairs scooting and scratching the ground, feet scurrying, chattering, and lockers opening and closing filled the hallways. "Hey Deja! Happy the day is finally over?" Victoria, my best friend, asked.
"Yes! I can't wait to go home and do nothing!" I said as I shoved my books into my little bag and shut my locker.
"Hey come on! we are gonna miss the bus Deja! If this happens again I'm telling my mom it was your fault this time." Victoria whined while continuing to lacerate my arm. "Okay, okay calm down!" I said as we started walking.

The bus ride was very uncommunicative, well all except the "jocks" and "faddish" kids in the back of the bus. Every little crevice the bus ran over it would make me shift a little in my seat, making me hold on tight to my bag and press my body closer to the window.

The bus came to a consolidated stop when I stud up in my seat next to Victoria who was putting her unfinished homework in her backpack. One of the jocks knocked her books and papers out of her lap as he walked off the bus, making them fall into the aisle next to her seat. All the rest of the kids still left on the bus laughed and were making little vagary jokes. I helped her with her books, blocking the line of anxious kids waiting to get off the bus. "Hurry up!" the kid waiting behind me yelled in my face. I just took no notice in his unkind tone and continued to help victoria pack her bag. The kid behind me grabbed ahold of my book bag on my back and shoved me back into my seat making me accidentally hit victoria on the side of her head, and making me hit my head on the window. The kid gave me a glare before heading off the bus, with the rest of the people on the vehicle to follow.

"Are you alright?" Victoria asked me as she pushed her bag besides her and helped me sit up.
"Yeah I'm fine , are you okay? you did take a hard hit from my foot" I asked as I rubbed my head.
"Yeah I'm fine but let's get off the bus before the bus drives off with us on it." Victoria laughed as she stud up to toss her bag over bag over her shoulder.

"Have a nice day girls!" our bus driver said as we walked down the steps and off the bus. "Thank you!" I said before our bus driver shut the door all the way. "Bye Deja! I'll call you later okay!?" Victoria yelled as she walked backwards down her street towards her house.
"Okay!" I yelled back as I started on my way to my own house.

The walk to my house was wearisome and quiescent, just how I like it. A little 'me time' to clear my head of all the horrid things I go through at school, but it's no better at home only because I basically have to raise my 17 year old brother Da'quan.
Da'quan and I feel the same towards and our domestic living except his school life is way easier than mine only because he is considered to be a 'jock'. It's hard being his little sister sometimes. Only because people always say things like 'I'm the ugly duckling' or 'I will never live up to be as good as my athletic, football playing brother' and I believe them all. Da'quan is strong, handsome, and is actually one if the smartest people in the school. I am lame , weak, and from what everybody else says, I'm very 'fugly'.

"Hey! How was your day?" my brother asked as I walked through the front door.
"Like every other day" I sighed and sat down next to him on the couch watching family feud on GSN.
"Hey Deja which family do you think will win?" I shrugged my shoulders and got up to go to the kitchen to make us dinner , and by 'make us dinner' I really mean order something from the home phone in the kitchen to order food.

"Da'quan what do you want!" I yelled out to the living room where he is laying.
"You know the usual Popeyes." he yelled back.
"No! Da'quan we already had Popeyes for the past three nights I'm tired of eating it!" I whined.
"well, I didn't think that I would have to do this but you forced me to pull out my 'big bro card'!" he yelled as he started walking towards me. "Deja Brewer! you are not allowed to order any food not requested by my authority meaning...that we are having Popeyes for dinner!" he yelled while waving a wooden spoon around in his hand.
"Ugh! fine be that way but your going to get fat one day and I well, I will probably be the same size, skinny!" I yelled as I forcefully dialed in the number to Popeyes and waited for someone to pick up the phone.

"Hello this is Popeyes would you like to have your food delivered or reserved if you want to pick it up here?" the phone rang with a very loud lady on the other end of the phone.
"Uh-delivery please" I waited for them to start talking again. "Okay ma'am what would you like to order?"

"I would like 4 honey biscuits with the 12 pieces of chicken with 2 drinks, both root beer please"I said quickly as my stomach started growling uncontrollably. The woman on the other end of the phone repeated my order and agreed to have it here in about 30 minutes. "There are you happy Da'quan?!" I yelled as I slammed the phone down on its charger and stormed off to the living room.
"Very actually" Da'quan said with his usual cocky demeanor.

"Whatever. I just need food cause I'm hungry!" I screamed as I dramatically sat down on the couch.
"Hey where are mom and dad" Da'quan asked as I shrugged my shoulders. "I think they are both busy, Mom, probably on a business trip, Dad, probably dealing with his stupidity over women" Da'quan said as he sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my small shoulders.
"Well you wanna stop thinking about this and watch-" I started.
"Family Guy!" he finished. "Nah" he said.
"Why not? I know you love family guy as much as I do maybe even more. What happened to you?" I said as I fixed myself to face him.
"Nothing happened, it's just I don't wanna watch it anymore since Brian died" Da'quan's voice cracked in the middle of his sentence.
"True, hey I wonder-" I was interrupted with the door bell and three small knocks from the front door. "Nevermind then." I said as I got up from the couch and headed towards the door.

"Hello ma'am did you order 4 honey biscuits, 12 pieces of chicken and 2 root beers?" The lady asked as she read the recite.
"Yes that would be me." I said as I raised my hand.
"Well your total cost will be $14.76 and plus tax that's $15.21." The woman said as I grabbed the bag of food and reached into my pocket for a twenty. "Have a nice night ma'am" the woman said as I handed her the money.
"Thank you!" I yelled out to her before she got into her car. Right when I shut the door Da'quan came running full speed towards me nearly tripping on the way over here.
"Is that the food?!" he yells trying to take the bag away from me but I side step making him miss the bag.
"No...its a bag full of rocks, of coarse it is stupid! Now clear off the table so I can put this on it!" I commanded him and he did so.

After dinner we both went upstairs to take showers. I took a shower in the guest bathroom while Da'quan took a shower in our mom's bathroom. When I got out I dried off my body and got dressed in some sweatpants and an under armor shirt, then I went to my room to lay on my bed and think about my life. 'Why does my life suck!' I thought to myself 'why do I have to be the prey?' 'why don't my parents ever say those three words, I love you, to Da'quan or I?!' 'Why do I even have to call them parents when the only time they are here is to grab something out of the house and leave!' 'What is the point of living a terrible life even when you know your going to die one day.' I glanced over at the bottle of pills on my desk that the doctor prescribed me for my weight problem.' I wonder if I just down all those pills, I would just make everything easier for everyone'. ' My parents wouldn't care,no one at school would care, the only people who it would effect would be Da'quan and Victoria'. 'I can't leave them just yet, only because they give me a reason to live my oh so terrible life that I am currently living in right now.' I finished my lonely thoughts by closing my sorrowful eyes into a dreamless sleep.

Until I was awoken by my window shattering into pieces.

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