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"Care to explain yourself?"

Sarah sighed as she explained everything to Seth from beginning to end. How Zahra roped her into drugging him to lose his title and how Finn tipped off the information about Sasha's empty threats.

"Do you realized what you have just done? You ruined not only my life, but hers too. She has worked so hard-"

"I am sorry."

"No, you fucking aren't. You have to be really unhappy with your own life pull shit like this. I can't believe this. Give me back her phone." Seth yelled at Sarah who flinched at his hostility.


Seth stormed out as he opened Sasha's phone. There were a lot of missed calls from Hunter and Stephanie. He sighed and called Hunter back.

"Hey, this is bad isn't it?"

"Well, we could incorporate it into a story line, that is if Sasha comes back by Thursday to talk things over."

"Don't worry. I am on my way to get her right now."

Seth sighed as he headed upstairs to pack a duffle bag quickly before driving to the airport. He landed in Boston quicker than he expected and hailed a cab before heading off to Judith's house.

He sighed as he knocked on the door. It was pretty late, so he was surprised to see Judith answer the door. "Oh, you're here, I am so happy to see you." She smiles as she pulls him into a hug. She lets him in and reveals a sleeping Sasha on the couch. "Wake her up, you guys can talk and then go to her room, goodnight Seth."

"Goodnight, Judith." Seth sighs as he sits on the couch down by Sasha's curled up body. Judith quickly goes upstairs. Seth shakes her leg slightly before she starts to stir. "Hey, Baby."

"Seth? What are you doing here?"

"What, you think you can run away from me and I won't come and get you?" He laughs as he pulls her onto his lap. "Look, I understand you're stressed, but I talked to Hunter, this is fixable. I found out who was behind all of this, we can call the cops or tell Hunter head on. Don't worry, we are in this together, I promise."

Sasha sighs as she rests her head on his shoulder. A tear runs down her face making Seth sigh. He hated when she cried. She looked back up at him with damp eyes and kissed him. He immediately kissed her back before she pulled away. "I love you."

"I love you too."

423 words.

i think i owe you guys a proper ending to the story even if no one sees this lmao

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