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Louistommo - 🙈 📸 @/Zayn

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LouLou - You are so freaking adorable

Loubear - I don't like you smoking but I can't really stop you ... Be safe boobear

LoveLou - why are you smoking thats so disgusting

Bitchboy - Fag

HateLou - this is so disgusting. So many people look up to you and you promote smoking? Not to mention you being a faggot which is already disgusting
Loubear - Shut the fuck up he is a grown man and can do whatever he wants. Also don't assume his sexuality, he's never said he was gay nor has he said he was straight. And it doesn't even matter because being gay isn't disgusting. The only disgusting thing I see here is a homophobic bitch. Go back to the 1800s where you belong
Louistommo, HarryStyles and 2934698 liked Loubear's comment

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