Chapter 2

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i woke up cause my phone was ringing i seen "Bestie4L❤️🖖🏼 " so i answered "yes babe" i answered "what u doing" she asked " i was sleep until you called " i told her "uhuh what u doing today " she asked " my cousins are in town so were going to go to the mall and out to eat and before u say anything i was gonna call and let u know" i told her "okay what time we leaving " i looked at my clock and it said 10:52 this bitch called and woke me up this early "um about 4 , cause were gonna go eat first and go to the mall by 5 " i said "okay " then she hung up .

I went downstairs and saw that my mom had cookes and everyone was downstairs, did everyone wake up early or is my clock wrong or something bc everyone is up at 10 o clock in the morning " goodmorning " i said stretching "goodmorning " they said in sync . I went to go fix my plate which consisted of french toast , eggs and bacon and i grabbed a orange juice out the fridge and sat by Miracle .

"So what y'all doing today since m&m back in town" my mom said she always called the twins m&m for short and my dad calls them mo and mir . " we're supposed to go the mall and to eat" miracle said "ou i wanna go " Kaylia said before i could answer my mom spoke "no maybe next time let the girls go out and have fun" she said "mann" she smacked her lips and left " soooo " "what do u want ? " my dad said "why do yall think i want something " i asked "cause when u do u always say "sooo" " they said "ok but its a party tonight and i want to go and ofc the twins" i said " yes only because the twins are in town" my mom said i hopped and hugged my mom and dad and said thanks . Its once in a while where they let me go places cause they dont want me to get caught up and some boy shit but im only following their footsteps cause my mom was having sex at 16 or maybe even before that . " Well im about to go take a shower and lay down until 4" i told the twins "okay" they said at the same time .

I took a 15 minute shower and went back to sleep , when i woke up it was 3:45 so i got up so i could get dressed . I went to go see if the twins were up cause 3 people have to get ready and im trying to get to the mall at 5 . I knocked on their room door " come in " Moniece said i walked in and they were sitting down on the bed "wassup" they asked "nothing i just wanted to make sure yall was up so we can be at a restaurant by 4:30" i said "okay" and with that i left . I went to go brush my teeth cause i knew my breath stunk cause i forgot to brush them this morning smh , i go and get braces monday so im excited about that so i cant be forgetting to brush my teeth . After i brushed my teeth i went to go find something to put on i decided on wearing my federal crop and my ripped blue jean shorts my black filas with rainbow colors on them and my juicy couture purse .

Last night i took my sew in out but i think im going to get some braids today , get another sew in with color or wear my real hair since i have good hair thats a little past my shoulders and i do my own sew ins and braids so im good and i keep hai...

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Last night i took my sew in out but i think im going to get some braids today , get another sew in with color or wear my real hair since i have good hair thats a little past my shoulders and i do my own sew ins and braids so im good and i keep hair with me so im very straight . I went to my vanity mirror and texted Ashanti too see if she was ready .
Me : Are u ready ?
Bestie4l❤️🖖🏼 : almost are u otw
Me: no but ill be there by 4:20
Bestie4l❤️🖖🏼 : Okay bitch

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