(Cover image found on Google) Thousands of years ago, people of Midnight Mountain found a unknown flower that would heal the injured and sometimes saving someone from death itself. The Midnightners called it the "Soul Flower". The people have protec...
Fruity and Spook continue to wander the woods, trying to find the Soul Flower. "How long have we been walking?" Spook said, after a long period of silence. "I dunno." Fruity replied, still walking until he hears a bush rustle. "wHaT tHe fUcK iS tHaT nOiSe?!" Spook exclaimed. Fruity shrugged. "Wait what's fuck?" "You're way too innocent-." Spook turned towards the bush and he moved it. It was a squirrel. "Fool you gave me a heart attack." Spook complained. "It's just a squirrel. You're okay!" Fruity said. "iT cAmE oUt oF nO wHerE-!" yelled Spook. "You'll be fine." Fruity said. "Okaaaaaayy." Spook replied, as they continued to look for the flower.
"Where is iiiiiit..?" Miki said, looking at the map and then falling off a cliff. "Ow! The hell?!" She stood up, realizing her mask got crooked when she fell off, so she fixes it. She turned and saw something in the distance. "Is that the Sun Kingdom?" She said, as she walked towards the kingdom. "I bet this has the Golden Rose." She said, as she walked into the kingdom. "A visitor! Would you like to see our beloved Sand Plant?" A citizen of the Sun Kingdom said to Miki. "Yes! Where would that be?" Miki responded. "Follow me!"
Autumn continued to wander around the firey area. "Golly! This place is literally hell!" She exclaimed. She started to skip while she went to the Fire Village. She went to a simple building where the Blood Flower was. "Nice glow. How the peoples not notice me enter? I guess they're idiots." She said, as she took the flower and escaped. "Let's hope those other fools actually did their work and not give up!"
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Tay, as he stole the Black Rose and trying to escaped from the guards. "I'M NOT DYING I'M NOT DYING--!!" Tay yelled as he slithered away into a hiding spot, getting the guards to a wild goose chase. "Phew, that was close." He whispered to himself, and when the guards were gone, he went on the run. "Hah! I got this deadly thing and now-!" Tay said, interrupted when he ran into a pole...or leg. Tay looked up, and saw Spook. "WHO YOU BE-?!" Tay yelled. "Interesting flower you have there." Spook answered, ignoring Tay's question. "Uh..this? It's the Death Rose!" Tay said, being an idiot but he didn't notice yet. "Um what?!" Fruity said, appearing next to Spook. Spook then took the flower from Tay and threw Tay farther away from them. "Well now people are stealing the flowers!" Fruity cried. "Yeah, this is bad." Spook said. Tay came slithering back and stole the flower from them. "THIS BELONGS TO LAVENDER!" yelled Tay, as he slithered away. "We have to follow him!" Said Fruity. He whistled for both the Pegasuses and they flew to them. Fruity and Spook got on their Pegasuses and flew after Tay.
Miki walked to Lavender's lair, holding the Golden Rose while smiling, even though her mask hides her sinister smile. "Hey!" said Autumn, as she tried to catch up with Miki. "You got the flower?" Autumn asked. "What does it look like, peasant?" Miki spoke, in a tone that was soft and angry. "Okay, chill with the attitude! I just wanted to say 'Hi' before we give the magic roses to Lavender." Autumn explained, trying to get Miki's affection. "No." Said Miki, as she walked inside the cave. Autumn stood there, and looked at the flower she held. When will she stop being a piece of shit and reveal her true feelings about me? Autumn thought, and shooked the thought out. She went inside, where she saw Jay, Miki and Lavender...with Iku. "Ugh when will Tay get back?" Jay said, sarcastically and pissed off. "Soon, he's probably having trouble finding it." Giggled Autumn, with her psychopathic grin on her face. "I hate being patient with that foolish snake." Miki said, as she put the Golden Rose next to the Soul Rose and Star Rose. "He'd better get back soon or I'll throw him with the dragons." "You guys have dragons?!" Iku asked. "No, but we do plan on getting one or more." Autumn replied. "Or never will get one." Jay snickered. "Everyone shut up, I'm trying to focus on where the hell Tay is." Lavender snapped. "Sorry!" Said everyone except Iku, Iku is just confused. "No signal... damnit." Lavender said, looking at the flowers. "When we have the Black Rose, I wanna know what happens when you fuse all the flowers together." "Isn't that dangerous?" Iku asked. "No one cares if it's dangerous, it's gonna be powerful!" Autumn said excitedly. "Yes, and when we do get that power, we'll get rid of anyone who gets in my- oUr way.." Lavender said. Iku's face was paler than he thought he was. Iku was afraid that his own son could get in his way. Iku couldn't do nothing about it. Iku only had to sit and watch the show play out.
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